My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 11, 2015

Our Stay in the Hospital (3/31/15-4/2/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Grant, you and I had to stay in the hospital for two days following your birth, so Granny stayed at our house to watch you boys, Gage and Gabe. During our stay we never got bored. We had several visitors and of course, all the visits from nurses and doctors.

Granny holding Grant

Gage, you were so eager to hold Grant - such a great BIG BROTHER

Sissy and her fourth baby brother

Pa and Grant
The Medical Center has implemented a new policy that allows for the baby to get a bath in Mommy's room. They used to take baby to nursery soon after birth for baths, but this change allows baby to spend more time in the first hours after birth with Mom or Dad (which was our case since Grant did skin to skin with Daddy while I was in recovery). So Grant, you got your first official bath when you were over six hours old. We cranked up the heat in the room to keep you warm. Of course, you thought it was the worst thing ever, but the nurse was done in no time and I got to spend the next hour with you skin to skin.

Bathing baby

Not a happy boy
Grant, after your bath your Auntie Weesha, Chris, Jett and Kymberlynn came to see you. I was still doing skin to skin with you, so they weren't able to hold you. They did get to see you and we visited for a while. Uncle Matt, Beth, Logan, Jude and Molly came by later that evening and they all took turns holding you.

Jude and Grant

Logan and Grant

Beth, Grant, Molly and Jude

Uncle Matt and Grant

Molly, Uncle Matt and Grant
The next day, Granny brought you boys back to the hospital for a visit. Gage, you were still eager to hold your baby brother, but Gabe, you were still hesitant and didn't want any part of it.

Dows, Grant and Gage

Miss Judy came to meet Grant

Jennifer Wheet getting some practice with Grant

Jennifer Harrison getting some practice with Grant

We had a nice experience at the Medical Center. They took good care of us, but after two days of being away from you boys, I was ready to go home.
I love you,

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