My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Grant's Homecoming (4/2/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Grant, we were able to leave the hospital when you were 2 days old. While everyone took great care of us in the hospital, we were ready to get home. I bought and packed an outfit for you in the event you happened to be a baby girl, but it turned out we didn't need it after all. Instead, you got to wear an outfit that all three of you were taken home in.

Gage is going home - 1/30/11

Gabe is going home - 12/7/12
Grant is going home - 4/2/15
It had stormed in the early hours of the morning, but by the time we left the hospital the rain had cleared up and the sun was out. We made a stop by the pharmacy and then headed to the house. I was so excited to get home and be a family. It was so hard to be up at the hospital while you boys were at the house with Granny. I missed you all terribly.

Glad to be home

I love you,

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