My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Happy Easter 2015

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Boyce had their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday March 28 at two in the afternoon. That Saturday was my last night to work before Grant arrived, so I wasn't able to go. Your Daddy took you, Gage and Gabe, to hunt eggs. You boys had a great time.

This year we had a very laid back Easter. Since you were only 5 days old Grant, we stayed home and had our own little celebration. On Saturday, we colored eggs. We used only the eggs from our chickens and since some of those were brown, they didn't take color very well. It was still a lot of fun to color and decorate them.

Dows helped color the eggs

Of course, we had to have personalized eggs

Decorating the dried eggs with stickers
On Easter morning I made pancakes. I tried to be creative and made bunny shaped pancakes. You boys weren't impressed. I thought they looked pretty good.

Bunny pancake

Easter baskets

We had our egg hunt that afternoon. You boys had so much fun finding your personalized eggs and all the eggs filled with goodies.

Family shot before the egg hunt

Gabe hunting eggs

Gage, you found your egg

Putting an egg in your basket, Gabe

Gage, your personalized egg was cracked so we made you a replacement.
Since you had two eggs, we made all you boys an extra personalized
egg to find. Grant, you found both of yours.

Basket full of eggs
After the egg hunt, we ate a delicious lunch. Daddy made his famous baked ham and we had several sides to go along with it. We made deviled eggs from the eggs you boys found in the yard. We had such a great day celebrating our first holiday as a family.

Easter love
I love you,

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