My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Grant's First Bottle

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

I went back to work on May 18, so that meant it was time to give Grant a bottle. I had been pumping for several weeks between feedings to store up some milk in the freezer to prepare for me going back to work. Of course, I work third shift so I will be gone while you all are sleeping, but Grant, you're still waking up once during the night so we want to make sure you have something to eat while I'm gone.

Gage, you were so excited about me going back to work because that meant you could give Grant a bottle. You have been so anxious to help out. You help with diaper changes and clothing changes but up until now, I've been the only one able to feed the baby. So after I went to work on Monday night, you gave Grant his very first bottle.

He did very well with the bottle and you did such a great job giving it to him. You're such a great and helpful big brother!

I love you,

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