My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Grant's Birth Story (3/31/15)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On March 31, your Daddy, Dows and I went up to the Medical Center to prepare for the birth of your new baby brother or sister. Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am, so we had to be up there at 5:30 am. Your Granny Clarice and your Sissy spent the night at our house the night before, so you all came up closer to surgery time. In the two hours before the surgery, several nurses came in, asked me a lot of questions and started an IV. We had visits from my doctor, the nurse anesthetist and a friend. The two hours flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go back for surgery.

Your daddy got to go back with me, so he was dressed in surgical scrubs. Daddy had to wait outside the operating room while I got my spinal, but he was with me before I knew it. Surgery started and we anxiously awaited our precious surprise. From the day I found out we were going to have another baby, I knew that I didn't want to find out the gender of this baby. I've always thought that waiting until delivery day would be the greatest surprise. At the beginning of this pregnancy, I thought we would be having a boy. Toward the end, I started thinking we would be having a girl. Your Daddy thought from the very beginning we were going to have a boy. Gage, you started out thinking boy but at the end you were thinking you would be having a sister.

At 8:02am, we heard the new baby's first cries! I told my doctor that I wanted your Daddy to tell me if the new baby was a boy or a girl, so Daddy peeked around the corner to see. He just said, "I was right!" I knew at that moment the new baby was a boy! Grant Jasper had arrived!

Grant Jasper is born!

I was so excited to hear the new baby's cries

It's a boy!!

Sweet baby boy getting all cleaned up

Getting foot prints and weighing in

Holding Grant for the first time. I was so happy!!

First sweet kisses

Admiring my new baby boy

Happy family
I got to hold Grant for a little while before Daddy took him out to meet everyone. I wanted to tell everyone if the baby was a boy or a girl, so Daddy had to keep it a secret while he showed off the new baby.

Daddy and his baby boy

Proud big brother

Daddy and all his babies
While I was in recovery, Daddy took Grant to the nursery to do skin-to-skin. He held him close for about an hour and a half.
Skin to skin with Daddy
I was in recovery for about an hour and then it was time to go to my room. You all were waiting there for me. It was a little while until baby Grant was able to come to the room, so I had to keep the secret of his gender until then. When he came in, I introduced Grant Jasper and everyone was so happy and thrilled to have another baby boy in the family!

Wearing your Big Bro shirt and your new button

Reading books to pass the time.
Such a proud big brother! You were so excited to hold your new baby brother, Gage!!

Cuddling Grant after a successful first feeding.
Sweet sleeping beauty
We are so blessed to have welcomed another baby boy into our family. Three boys! It was almost strange that everything went according to plan. Seems like we've always had problems at the time of delivery (Gage, your emergency C-section. Gabe, your arrival a week before schedule due to growth restriction). I am so thankful for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Grant weighed 6 pounds 14.5 ounces was measured 20 inches long. Absolute perfection. We are so happy and look forward to all the fun adventures that lie ahead for the Payne boys.

I love you,

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