My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Mother's Day 2015

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

This year I was off work for Mother's Day since I was on maternity leave. It was nice to be able to spend my special day with my special boys. We went to church in the morning and then had lunch at home. Granny and Pa came by to visit and we gave Granny an outdoor lantern for her flower beds.

Selfie with two of my boys

Love, love, love this!

We went down to the creek for a little while in the afternoon to enjoy the sunshine. Gage and Gabe, it you love playing in the water and throwing rocks. It is such a joy to watch you all enjoy the outdoors.
We came home and Daddy made my favorite dinner: roasted veggie pesto pizza. Sissy came over to eat with us and it was so nice to see and visit with her.

Presents for Momma
 After dinner, we played outside and ate cheesecake.

Daddy took it easy with a sampler cheesecake for dessert

Mommy and Sissy
At dusk we came inside and ate some popcorn. We gave Dows her necklace as her gift.

Mommy and Gage

Mommy and Gabe
Mommy and Grant

Giving Dows her necklace

I love being a Mommy!
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful step daughter and three handsome sons. I love you all so very much! Thank you for making my Mother's Day perfect.

I love you,

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