My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 18, 2015

Visit to Nashville Zoo

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

On May 5, we decided to head down to Nashville to visit the zoo. I had never been there before, so I was very excited to check it out. I had been wanting to take you all for quite some time and we decided that morning would be the perfect day to go. We didn't tell you all where we were going so it would be a wonderful surprise. We stopped and had lunch before we got to the zoo and Gage, you thought your special surprise was a visit to Burger King! Ha! Ha!

We got to the zoo around 11:30 and went right to exploring. We came upon the Kangaroo Kickabout and we were able to walk around inside their enclosure. We were instructed to stay on the path and not to approach the kangaroos. We were allowed to pet them only if they approached us. Unfortunately, none of them wanted to be petted but we were still able to see them up close.

We rode a little train and got to see an ostrich, some antelopes and some horses. It was quite small, but you boys were so excited to be riding on the Choo Choo.

We found the tiger exhibit, and got to see one off in the distance. Gage you were wondering why they weren't "Rahring." Too funny.

That's why they weren't "rahring."
We visited Flamingo Lagoon and got to admire the beautiful birds. Gabe, these were your favorite. You loved looking at the birds.

Red pandas in the tree

Gage posing with the bamboo in the Bamboo Trail
Giant tortoise eating its lunch
We stopped at the petting zoo: Critters Encounters. You boys were so excited to pet the little goats and chased them around until they let you pet them.

Hanging out with the lemurs

We loved the lemurs

African elephants
 We took a break from the exhibits and the heat to have a snack. You boys got green apple snow cones and I had a dark chocolate and coconut covered frozen banana. Delish!

Of course, we can't enjoy snow cones without making a huge mess.
Luckily, we were outside.

Beautiful giraffes

We had such a wonderful time visiting Nashville Zoo. There were a few exhibits that were closed down and a few under construction. We were still able to see a lot of animals. It was such a good time!

I love you,

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