My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 18, 2015

Grant's First Bath (4/13/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Grant, when you were 12 days old your umbilical stump fell off to reveal your cute little belly button. It had been dangling for a few days, but when your Auntie Weesha changed your diaper on the evening of April 12, it had come completely off. The stump can be quite cumbersome during diaper changes and clothing changes, so it's a huge relief when it's gone. Plus, it means you get to take a real bath. So long sponge baths!

Look at that belly button
It was a little later in the evening when it fell off so we waited until the next day to give you your bath. I had forgotten that I had given the little bathing chair that we used with Gage and Gabe away, so we had to improvise. Daddy held you over the sink and I washed your little body and your hair. You were not impressed with said bath and didn't like it one bit. But the ultimate goal of a clean baby was achieved and you were happy when it was over.

We bought another seat the following day so your next bath was a little more comfortable. You have really started to enjoy your baths, so that makes bath time a lot easier. I still bathe you in the sink and when you're a little bigger, we'll promote you to the bath tub.


I love you,

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