My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Grant's First Visit to Indiana

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Last Friday we went up to Indiana to visit Great Grandma. She has been home for a few months since breaking her hip in November, but we've had a lot going on and not had a chance to visit. We did go visit her in January while she was in the nursing facility, but it's not the same as a visit to her home. We got to her house around 11 and introduced her to her 16th Great Grandchild! She has 16 Grandchildren and 16 Great Grandchildren and when you were born Grant, you evened out the numbers to 16 boys and 16 girls! How cool is that?

We visited while I fed you Grant and then we headed into Fort Branch for lunch at Sandy's Pizza. They have great food and it had been a very long time since I've enjoyed their pizza. After a delicious lunch we stopped in to see Uncle Steve and Aunt Peg.

We made our way up to Princeton to visit with Great Grandpa. He's in The Waters, a long term care facility. He was doing pretty well and he got to meet you Grant. It absolutely melted my heart to see him hold you and love on you. The facility was having a circus day so there were some activities in the main lobby. Daddy took you boys down to check out the fun while I visited with Great Grandpa. We had a nice visit and I was so happy to see him.


We finished out our day back at Great Grandma's house. Gage, you were so excited to play in the basement and had talked about playing since we told you where we were going. Great Grandma's basement was always a paradise for me when I was a child and it hasn't changed much at all. Daddy helped Great Grandma with a few gardening chores while I fed you Grant. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to Kentucky. We had such a wonderful time visiting the Hoosiers. I was so happy to see my grandparents and look forward to seeing them again soon.


I love you,

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