My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Visiting Baby Grant

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

We've had several people stop by to visit you baby Grant. Our friends and family were eager to meet our new addition and we were very excited to show you off.

Bethany would have taken you home
had you fit inside her pocket

Jack and Grant

Lauren and Jack

Jett Rylee got to love on Grant

Sissy and her baby brother

We love Emily

Auntie Weesha

Kaydence and Grant

Uncle Jeffy came up from Tennessee to visit us

Pa and Grant

Jacob and Grant

E and Caroline came over to meet Grant

Cousin Jude and Grant

Uncle Matt with Grant

Auntie NeeNee came down from Louisville to meet her newest nephew
I love you,

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