My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Snowpocalypse 2015

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This winter we had a couple large snowstorms. On February 16, a huge system came through the area and covered us with 7 to 12 inches of snow. I was working my last shift of the week on the night it started. I started to see snow falling around 3am and it progressively got heavier and heavier as the morning went. By the time I got off work at 7am, there was at least 5 inches of snow on the ground and the roads were completely covered. I spent nearly 15 minutes cleaning off the Explorer and getting ready to tackle the drive home. Your daddy made sure to pack the car with all the necessary items to dig out the car. He even packed my rubber boots. I thought it was silly, but soon learned how useful they are in the snow. I called Daddy once I got on the road. He had actually packed you boys up in the truck and was heading to Plano Store to meet me. We knew the city roads would be manageable, but once out in the county, there was no telling how the roads would be. Daddy wanted to make sure he was there in case I needed him.

Scottsville Rd

Plano Rd - the beginning

Plano Rd - about 4 miles in
Fortunately we made it home without incident. It was a huge relief to pull into the driveway. The snow was still coming down pretty heavily and I was excited to get out and play in it. You boys were less than enthused. I mentioned going outside to play and you both refused. That was fine. Your daddy and I went outside and played in the freshly fallen snow!
Once the snow stopped falling, you boys were ready to give it a try. We dressed you in your snow suits, jackets, boots, gloves and hats and made our way outside. It was pretty cold, and you all didn't last long. We sledded a bit and walked around the yard, but after about 20 minutes you all were ready to get back inside.

Front yard and road

Side yard and snow fall

Selfie in the snow

Not thrilled to be outside.

The top of our grill says 7 inches, but I'm pretty
sure it was a little more
We played off and on outside for the next several days. We lived in a winter wonderland for quite some time. I really enjoyed all the snow, but I know many people were not happy about it. Bowling Green was essentially shut down for two days and the schools stayed closed all week. We really enjoyed playing in the snow. We sledded and made snow cream. It wasn't good snow for a snowman though, so that was disappointing, but we made the most of it.

Snow cream!

The only part of the snow Gabe liked was the snow cream

Going sledding

Finally, by day three, our road was cleared off.
It was so cold that our fresh eggs started to crack

Sledding selfie
The second round of snow came on March 5. Luckily, it was my off week and I didn't have to drive home during the downfall. I woke up to snow falling and was so excited to tell you boys. Gage, you were pretty excited about the snow. Gabe, you simply stated, "Don't want it," when I told you the happy news. You are such a snow hater. We didn't get as much snow during this storm, but there was plenty on the ground to play in. We sledded and Daddy built a snow fort. This snow wasn't good snowman snow either, but we played and enjoyed it as much as we could.

Hanging out in the snow fort
Making snow angels

Beautiful snow angel

Gabe, you were still a snow hater.

Hanging out with cousin Jett

Throwing snowballs

I love you,

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