My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Emma!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We made our way down to Tennessee on January 11 to celebrate Emma's 4th birthday at Chuck E Cheese. We got there a little early and scoped out the place. Because it was a birthday party, you boys got some tokens from Emma's mom. We played some games at first and then it was time to eat. All the kiddos got to sit at the table at the front of the room. There was plenty of pizza and you all had your fill. Chuck E came out after lunch and he helped us sing "Happy Birthday" to all the birthday boys and girls.

After singing, Emma blew out her candles and then we had cake. After cake, we watched Emma open her presents. Gage, you got to take a picture with Chuck E after presents but Gabe, you wanted no part of it. We played more games and won lots of tickets. We decided to give Emma our tickets so hopefully she was able to get a good prize.

Blowing out her candles
Opening presents

Posing with Chuck E Cheese

Tickets for Emma

Pretty birthday girl!
We had a lot of fun celebrating Emma's 4th birthday!

I love you,

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