My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday, Gage!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 25, we celebrated your 4th birthday with a party at our house Gage. We decided to do a pirate themed party and I decorated accordingly. 

You requested strawberry cupcakes with red icing. I made you a jumbo cupcake so you could blow out your candle.

Happy 4th Birthday, Pirate Gage!

After lunch and cake it was time for presents. You got some really neat gifts, including Play Doh, helicopter, remote controlled car and a race track.

I made goodie bags for all the kids and had to throw in some fake moustaches.

Emma, I moustache you a question.

Birthday man

Sissy and Gage

Kaydence, Gage and Emma

Pa, Gage and Granny C
Gage and Granny Dows
Sarah S, Gage and Dawn

Molly, Logan, Jude, Gage, Kaydence and Uncle Matt

Gage and Jett
Gage, on your actual birthday (January 28) we celebrated at home. Daddy cooked your favorite meal (spaghetti and meatballs) and we had a pie for dessert. We sang "Happy Birthday" and you blew out your big number 4 candle. We had a great day celebrating your birth. I can't believe you're four! I know I say this every year, but it seems like only yesterday we were anxiously awaiting your arrival. You have grown and changed so much. You have become a sweet and sassy ball of fire. You make my heart super happy and I love you so much!

Big birthday boy!

I love you,

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