My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mommy's Birthday - 1/1915

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday January 19, I celebrated a birthday - my 31st birthday, to be exact. It wasn't anything spectacular, but I got to spend time with my family and that is all that mattered to me. I actually got off work that morning at 7am and my usual routine on Monday mornings after my work week is to come home and deep clean the house. But since it was my birthday, your Daddy helped out and did the cleaning for me. Such a sweet Daddy. I came home that morning and just relaxed. Once you all got up, we ate breakfast, changed clothes and played together. I took a nap later in the day.

When I woke up, Granny Dows, Sissy and Sarah K were over to celebrate my day. Daddy cooked salmon chowder per my request and had made Lemon Lush for dessert (my favorite!). After dinner, you all sang "Happy Birthday" and then I opened my gifts. I got a new movie, a photo album, and some UK apparel. It was such a great birthday! I am truly blessed with such a wonderful family and friends. Being able to celebrate with you all was the greatest gift of all!

Daddy took this picture of you decorating my birthday card, Gabe.

Gage, you love to lick the beater!

Yummy, lemon lush dessert!

I love you, boys!

Such a great birthday with my loves!
I love you,

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