My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Happy 2nd Birthday, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On December 5th Gabe, we celebrated your 2nd birthday! It was the middle of the week so we had a little celebration at home. I also had to work, so that was a bummer, but we made the most of it. We had dinner and then a cheesecake for dessert. You got to blow out your number 2 candle and then "open" your birthday present. We got you a little Spiderman 4 wheeler and you were so excited. You rode it all through the house. Gage, you are too big to ride it, but that didn't stop you from trying. You attempted a run around the downstairs loop, but soon realized it wasn't as much fun as you thought it would be since it was moving pretty slow.

Happy Birthday, Gabe!!

Getting some help with the candle

Going on a stroll through the house
On Sunday the 7th, we had your birthday party here at the house. I decorated the dining room in Mickey Mouse, since it is still your favorite cartoon. Luckily, we had all the decorations left over from last year, so that made things super easy.

All decked out in Mickey Mouse
Before the party, Boyce had their annual Christmas Parade. We had originally planned to party at 2 but bumped it back so we could go to the parade. A few people met us here before the parade and we carpooled down to Boyce. The parade was a lot of fun and you boys really enjoyed yourselves. You all picked up a lot of candy and got to see some neat floats.

Excited for the parade to start

Watching the parade

Sissy marching with the band

Watching the horseys
After the parade, we came back to the house for the party. We took it easy this year and ordered some pizzas from Domino's. We made some sides and hot dogs to go along with the pizza. After a late lunch, we sang "Happy Birthday" and watched you Gabe blow out your candles. After dessert came your favorite part - opening presents. You got all sorts of neat things: an outfit, Spiderman jammies, Jake Legos, a learning Caterpillar, a Mickey Mouse doll and a Mickey Mouse blanket.

Happy Birthday, Gabe!! (again)

Opening gifts
Rockin' the new jammies
We had a great time celebrating your 2nd birthday, Gabe! I can't believe my baby boy is two! Time sure has flown by!

I love you,

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