My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Christmas 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We had a great Christmas in 2014! We had the family over on Christmas Eve for our traditional ham dinner and gift exchange. You and all the cousins drew names for the exchange, so everyone got to open a present. We had such a wonderful time visiting and laughing with all our family!

Time for presents

Gabe opening a present

Logan got an airgun

Molly got some Princess Sofia PlayDoh

Gage got a transformer dinosaur

Mega Blocks!

Cute clothes for Kymber

Gift card for Sissy

Playing with blocks

KD got some jewelry
Jude and his Ninja Turtle

Tacky Christmas sweaters!
The whole family
Sissy got some Kymber cuddles
Before bed, we all opened one present - our new jammies. Once we got changed, we read a Christmas story and then a story about the birth of Jesus - the real reason for the season!
Sissy's new jammies

New jammies!!

Rocking our new jammies

On Christmas Day, we stayed home and had a quiet day as a family. I made Christmas shaped pancakes for breakfast, that I think I appreciated more than you! Haha! You all opened your gifts and then we spent some time outside testing out the new Jeep. It was a great day spent together.

Christmas morning


Checking out the new Jeep

Christmas pancakes

New Jeep

Opening presents

Playing with the new PlayDoh

Lining up the new cars

Taking the Jeep out on its first stroll

Mommy got a new 4 wheeler too
On the 26th, your Uncle Jeffrey, Aunt Melissa and Jacob came to our house from Tennessee to stay the weekend. The Proffitt family and Sarah K also came over and we had a belated Christmas dinner and gift exchange.

Jacob opening his present

Gage got more Legos

Sarah K loved her coffee bean grinder

Ada modeling her new necklace

Cool little story book with figurines
We had a great Christmas full of family, friends, fun and wonderful memories!

I love you,

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