My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Visit to the Waters (1/21/15)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Your great grandma broke her hip a few days before Thanksgiving, and since her surgery she has been rehabilitating in a nursing facility in Princeton, IN called The Waters. Your great grandpa has also been there with her. Since we hadn't seen her since Thanksgiving and your baby brother/sister would be arriving within the next two months, we decided to take a trip to Indiana and pay them a visit. We were blessed with nice travel weather and made it to the facility a little while after lunch. Great Grandma was peeking out the window when we pulled up and we were able to find her room quite easily. She was doing so well! Up walking around in a walker and feeling really great! We visited with her for a little while and then decided to go visit with Great Grandpa. He was staying in a separate wing of the facility. We visited with him for a little while and he seemed to be doing okay. He wasn't too talkative, but he was glad to have the company. It was great to see him.

Great Grandpa and Great Grandma

He was ready for a nap, so we went back to Great Grandma's room and visited a little while longer. You boys were starting to get restless, cooped up in her room, so you all watched a couple episodes of Mickey Mouse on the portable DVD player.

Me and my sweet Grandma
We had a great time visiting with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. I'm so glad they're both doing well.

I love you,

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