My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Piper Payne (4/30/14-1/13/15)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 13, we said goodbye to our first family dog, Piper. She died after a tragic accident. We are all very sad to lose our little dog. She was a great dog and she behaved so well with you boys. She became my running buddy and kept me company while at the park. We loved her and she will be sorely missed.
Our little hamster - Piper
Playing with Piper before we could even bring her home
Piper with her brothers and sisters

Gage reading Piper a story the day we brought her home

My sweet furbaby

First run at the park

On our way to the park
After another park run

Cuddling with Gage
Such a sweet dog

Gage, you really loved Piper and she loved you too
I love you,

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