My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Grant's Birth Story (3/31/15)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On March 31, your Daddy, Dows and I went up to the Medical Center to prepare for the birth of your new baby brother or sister. Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am, so we had to be up there at 5:30 am. Your Granny Clarice and your Sissy spent the night at our house the night before, so you all came up closer to surgery time. In the two hours before the surgery, several nurses came in, asked me a lot of questions and started an IV. We had visits from my doctor, the nurse anesthetist and a friend. The two hours flew by and before we knew it, it was time to go back for surgery.

Your daddy got to go back with me, so he was dressed in surgical scrubs. Daddy had to wait outside the operating room while I got my spinal, but he was with me before I knew it. Surgery started and we anxiously awaited our precious surprise. From the day I found out we were going to have another baby, I knew that I didn't want to find out the gender of this baby. I've always thought that waiting until delivery day would be the greatest surprise. At the beginning of this pregnancy, I thought we would be having a boy. Toward the end, I started thinking we would be having a girl. Your Daddy thought from the very beginning we were going to have a boy. Gage, you started out thinking boy but at the end you were thinking you would be having a sister.

At 8:02am, we heard the new baby's first cries! I told my doctor that I wanted your Daddy to tell me if the new baby was a boy or a girl, so Daddy peeked around the corner to see. He just said, "I was right!" I knew at that moment the new baby was a boy! Grant Jasper had arrived!

Grant Jasper is born!

I was so excited to hear the new baby's cries

It's a boy!!

Sweet baby boy getting all cleaned up

Getting foot prints and weighing in

Holding Grant for the first time. I was so happy!!

First sweet kisses

Admiring my new baby boy

Happy family
I got to hold Grant for a little while before Daddy took him out to meet everyone. I wanted to tell everyone if the baby was a boy or a girl, so Daddy had to keep it a secret while he showed off the new baby.

Daddy and his baby boy

Proud big brother

Daddy and all his babies
While I was in recovery, Daddy took Grant to the nursery to do skin-to-skin. He held him close for about an hour and a half.
Skin to skin with Daddy
I was in recovery for about an hour and then it was time to go to my room. You all were waiting there for me. It was a little while until baby Grant was able to come to the room, so I had to keep the secret of his gender until then. When he came in, I introduced Grant Jasper and everyone was so happy and thrilled to have another baby boy in the family!

Wearing your Big Bro shirt and your new button

Reading books to pass the time.
Such a proud big brother! You were so excited to hold your new baby brother, Gage!!

Cuddling Grant after a successful first feeding.
Sweet sleeping beauty
We are so blessed to have welcomed another baby boy into our family. Three boys! It was almost strange that everything went according to plan. Seems like we've always had problems at the time of delivery (Gage, your emergency C-section. Gabe, your arrival a week before schedule due to growth restriction). I am so thankful for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Grant weighed 6 pounds 14.5 ounces was measured 20 inches long. Absolute perfection. We are so happy and look forward to all the fun adventures that lie ahead for the Payne boys.

I love you,

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Mommy's Growing Belly - third time around

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Mommy's belly has grown and changed a lot in the past 9 months as I prepare for the new baby. Gage, you've seen my belly grow before when I was pregnant with Gabe, but Gabe, this was all new to you. You boys never really said a whole lot about it, but I know it gets in the way when we read stories and have cuddle time. It truly is amazing to watch my belly grow as the baby grows.

9/30/14 - 13 weeks, 1 day

10/20/14 - 16 weeks

11/21/14 - 20 weeks, 4 days

12/8/14 - 23 weeks

12/23/14 - 25 weeks, 1 day

1/12/15 - 28 weeks

1/26/15 - 30 weeks

2/4/15 - 31 weeks, 2 days

2/21/15 - 33 weeks, 5 days
3/9/15 - 36 weeks

3/17/15 - 37 weeks, 1 day

3/30/15 - 39 weeks
I love you,

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Baby Chicks

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We have raised chickens for a couple years now and over that period of time, some of our chickens have either run away or been attacked by a predator. What once started out as 11 laying hens, has dwindled down to five. Daddy went out to the Mennonites in Allen County and bought two adult laying hens to add to our coop. They are more expensive to buy as adults, so we decided to try to raise some hens from baby chicks. Tractor Supply sells baby chicks every spring for about $3 a piece, so Daddy bought six and the supplies to raise them up right. Since they were newborn, they couldn't be put out in the coop with the adult hens. They had to be under a heat lamp for a long time to maintain their body temperature and they eat special food.

The baby chicks on March 12 - the day we got them

March 29 - look how much they've grown. And their feathers are starting to come in
April 26
It has been really neat to watch them grow a develop. We've had them for about seven weeks now and they have changed so much. In the next two to three weeks, we will move them out to the coop with the other hens. At that point, they'll be big enough to endure the elements and get along with the other hens.

I love you,

Gage's Surgery (3/20/15)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gage, when you were about 3 months old, we had a little scare and thought you might have an inguinal hernia. I took you to see Dr. Chris and he ruled out a hernia and said it was more likely a hydrocele. They're not harmful, but can cause a collection of fluid inside the scrotum. It cleared itself up and we didn't notice any more problems with it. That is, until March 11 of this year. Daddy had given you boys haircuts and they're not your favorite things in the world. You were upset about the haircut and while you were in the shower, Daddy noticed you had some swelling. You were acting like it hurt and you didn't want Daddy to touch it. After your shower, the swelling went down and you seemed to be ok. I was sleeping at the time and when I got up, you showed me your boo boo. It did seem swollen, so we decided to take you to see the doctor in the morning. Unfortunately, Dr. Chris was out  of the office on Thursdays so you went in to see Dr. Fraser. He was convinced it was a hernia and referred us to a pediatric surgeon at Vanderbilt. By that afternoon, the clinic had called and we made an appointment to see Dr. Speck that following Monday. We were very scared and worried about you and what the doctor would say. You were cool as a cucumber and it wasn't even bothering you anymore.

On Monday morning, we made our way down to Nashville for you 9am appointment. An intern came in to examine you first and then we got to meet Dr. Speck. She did a full exam and she was very confident it was not a hernia. However, she did think it was a hydrocele and that fluid was getting trapped. She recommended a simple surgery to repair the hole that causes the hydrocele. She didn't say it was emergent or urgent, but that it needed to be done at some point in the near future. Since we would be having the new baby in 11 days and I was off work that week, we decided to schedule the surgery for Friday the 20th. We were nervous about the surgery and more so about you having to go under general anesthesia.

We started talking to you about the surgery on Wednesday and you really seemed ok with everything. You were a little nervous when we talked about you getting a "scratch" but when we said you would be asleep while you get the scratch, you were fine.

On Friday morning we had to be down at Vanderbilt at 6am to preregister and your surgery was scheduled for 8am. Thankfully we brought along the tablets, books and the portable DVD player to help pass the time while we waited. Around 7:45 nurses started calling back patients to prep for surgery. Your name was called and we were all able to go back to your room. You got changed into some cute green jammies and the nurse checked your vitals. She actually brought out a couple of push cars for you and Gabe to play in while we waited. The anesthesiologist stopped by and discussed what they would be doing for their part of the surgery. A nurse came by and talked about the procedure. Dr. Speck came in and said hello and asked if we had any questions, and her Fellow introduced himself and marked your belly for surgery. It was a whirlwind and before we knew it, it was time for you to go back for surgery. You were playing your tablet pretty much the whole time and they even let you take it back with you. We gave you hugs and kisses and then they took you back. I shed a few tears and then we headed back to the waiting room.

Looking cute in those green jammies
Playing in the cars with Gabe
Playing the tablet before going back for surgery

We were told it would take between an hour to an hour and a half for your surgery, so we decided to take a walk and find the cafeteria. We walked around a little bit more and after about 45 minutes we decided to go back to the waiting room. At the check-in of the waiting room, there was a big white board that showed all the kids in surgery and where they were in the process. We saw your name and "In Surgery" was beside it, so we knew we still had some time before you would be out.

After another 20 to 25 minutes or so, our last name was called to the check-in counter and we were told you were out of surgery and we would be able to see you soon. We were taken back to a room to meet with Dr. Speck to talk about your surgery. She came in and said you did great! You were one of her best patients! She said when they gave you the gas over your nose, you were so well behaved and didn't fight it like other kids do. Of course, you had your tablet to keep you distracted, so I'm sure that helped too. She told us the surgery went very well and she was able to repair the hole that was causing the hydrocele on the left side. During the procedure, she used a little camera to look at the right side and ensure there were no problems on that side that needed repaired.

We went back out to the lobby to wait until we could see you in recovery. A nurse came out and called me back. Children under 14 aren't allowed in the recovery area, so Daddy had to stay back with Gabe. When I got back there, you were laying down and trying to sleep. You were very restless and you seemed like you couldn't get comfortable. Your nurse told me you woke up more quickly than other children and that other children typically sleep off the anesthesia and aren't as restless. You started to complain of some pain, so she gave you some medicine. After your dose, you were able to rest. The anesthesiologist came by to brag on how well you did. He said you fell asleep playing the tablet and didn't even complain one bit. He also said you were one of his best patients too!

You started to wake up and we talked a little bit. I decided to trade out places with Daddy so he could see you too. When he got back to you, you were sitting up drinking a Sprite. You got sick once, but after that you were fine. You drank your Sprite and you even got one to take home.

Twenty more minutes in recovery and it was time to take you home. Daddy got you changed and then we were on our way. You were feeling much better by time I saw you again and that was a relief for me. We stopped by Walgreens and got your medicine filled and then we headed back to Kentucky. You ate some crackers and drank your other Sprite and then slept the rest of the way home.

When we got home, you were still a little sore, so you rested on the couch. Your Granny C came by to see you and Granny Dows was here too. That made you feel better. By that evening, you were up and walking around normally and weren't even complaining of any pain. I was so happy to see how quick you bounced back!

Resting on the couch at home
The next day, Jett came over and you all played outside. You acted like you didn't even have surgery! Such a brave and resilient little boy!
Riding the Jeep with Gabe
You even picked me some flowers
I'm so happy and relieved you did so well with the surgery. You have a little "boo boo" on your lower belly that you are very proud of. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful children's hospital so close to home. We were very pleased with Dr. Speck, all the staff and the facility. We had such a positive experience and they took such great care of you!

I love you,

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Snowpocalypse 2015

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This winter we had a couple large snowstorms. On February 16, a huge system came through the area and covered us with 7 to 12 inches of snow. I was working my last shift of the week on the night it started. I started to see snow falling around 3am and it progressively got heavier and heavier as the morning went. By the time I got off work at 7am, there was at least 5 inches of snow on the ground and the roads were completely covered. I spent nearly 15 minutes cleaning off the Explorer and getting ready to tackle the drive home. Your daddy made sure to pack the car with all the necessary items to dig out the car. He even packed my rubber boots. I thought it was silly, but soon learned how useful they are in the snow. I called Daddy once I got on the road. He had actually packed you boys up in the truck and was heading to Plano Store to meet me. We knew the city roads would be manageable, but once out in the county, there was no telling how the roads would be. Daddy wanted to make sure he was there in case I needed him.

Scottsville Rd

Plano Rd - the beginning

Plano Rd - about 4 miles in
Fortunately we made it home without incident. It was a huge relief to pull into the driveway. The snow was still coming down pretty heavily and I was excited to get out and play in it. You boys were less than enthused. I mentioned going outside to play and you both refused. That was fine. Your daddy and I went outside and played in the freshly fallen snow!
Once the snow stopped falling, you boys were ready to give it a try. We dressed you in your snow suits, jackets, boots, gloves and hats and made our way outside. It was pretty cold, and you all didn't last long. We sledded a bit and walked around the yard, but after about 20 minutes you all were ready to get back inside.

Front yard and road

Side yard and snow fall

Selfie in the snow

Not thrilled to be outside.

The top of our grill says 7 inches, but I'm pretty
sure it was a little more
We played off and on outside for the next several days. We lived in a winter wonderland for quite some time. I really enjoyed all the snow, but I know many people were not happy about it. Bowling Green was essentially shut down for two days and the schools stayed closed all week. We really enjoyed playing in the snow. We sledded and made snow cream. It wasn't good snow for a snowman though, so that was disappointing, but we made the most of it.

Snow cream!

The only part of the snow Gabe liked was the snow cream

Going sledding

Finally, by day three, our road was cleared off.
It was so cold that our fresh eggs started to crack

Sledding selfie
The second round of snow came on March 5. Luckily, it was my off week and I didn't have to drive home during the downfall. I woke up to snow falling and was so excited to tell you boys. Gage, you were pretty excited about the snow. Gabe, you simply stated, "Don't want it," when I told you the happy news. You are such a snow hater. We didn't get as much snow during this storm, but there was plenty on the ground to play in. We sledded and Daddy built a snow fort. This snow wasn't good snowman snow either, but we played and enjoyed it as much as we could.

Hanging out in the snow fort
Making snow angels

Beautiful snow angel

Gabe, you were still a snow hater.

Hanging out with cousin Jett

Throwing snowballs

I love you,