My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Slumber party with KD

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday night, your Granny Dows and cousin KD spent the night with us. I had worked Sunday overnight, so when I woke up from my nap on Monday, we had company. You boys had so much fun playing with KD and Dows. It was a nice treat to have them stay with us. We ate dinner and then you kids played some more. When it was time to go to sleep, we were a little worried about the sleeping arrangements. Gage, you have been strange about sleeping upstairs in your room, so you've been sleeping on the little fold out Mickey couch in Gabe's room. KD usually sleeps with Dows or her Mommy. We put you both upstairs in your trundle bed and turned on some cartoons. Within 20 minutes, you both were fast asleep. No worries there! The next morning I went to run my long run for the week, so Dows was able to get up with you all. By the time I got back, you all were up and at 'em, hyped up on cereal and playing like crazy. What a great slumber party!

Playing in Gabe's room while watching cartoons
I love you,

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