My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gabe's Toddler Bed

Dear Gage and Gabe,

For the past couple of weeks, Gage, you have been climbing into to Gabe's crib to keep things away from him. I'm not really sure what precipitated this behavior, but I'd bet money it has something to do with being three years old and not wanting to share. As many times as you've been put in time out over this, you continue to do it. The only way we could think to stop the behavior is to just get rid of the crib. Daddy converted it over to a toddler bed. Gage, you were a little over two when we changed it over for you, but we decided that even though you're not quite 15 months Gabe, it would be best. Gabe, you've adjusted extremely well to the change and now you'll go climb into bed when you're ready for a nap. I was worried about you climbing out in the middle of the night, but you stay in bed until morning. Some mornings when I go in to check on you, you're laying in your bed awake and just playing with your little plush dog that you can't sleep without. Gage, you still like to get into brother's bed, but it's not quite as appealing as it was.

Just hanging out in brother's bed

Jumping in brother's bed

He was tired. He took a nap
I love you,

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