My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gabe is walking

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, on Christmas Eve, you took your first independent steps. You had been walking along the furniture, behind your push toys and while holding our hands, but this was the first time you walked solo! Granny Dows was trying to get you to walk to Daddy, and after a few failed attempts you took the first steps. You walked about 3 or 4 steps before you realized what you were doing and then sat down. We were all so excited and we were cheering you on. You walked several more times that night and have been walking (off and on) since.

First steps!
You still prefer to crawl, but as each day passes, your walking to crawling ratio is getting greater. Gage, you took your first steps on your 11 month birthday, and hardly ever crawled again. I'm not sure why you enjoy crawling so much Gabe, but sooner or later you'll realize how much easier it is to walk. Maybe then the little callouses on your knees will heal!

I love you,

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