My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sunny February Day

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Today the temperature got up into the mid to high sixties, so we took advantage of the warm weather. I packed up the double running stroller and we headed up to Kereiakes Park. I always love to run there with you boys and we haven't been since the fall. The park has a gravel path that is 1.25 miles long. It is extremely hilly, but such a great workout. We ran 3 laps today and then ran another 2.5 miles along Cemetery Road for a total of 6.25 miles. I had a few struggles with the hills, but there's no motivation like a 3 year old telling you you're going too slow and that he wants to go faster! We finished at about a 10:09 pace/mile, which isn't much to brag about, but considering you boys now weigh at least 60 pounds combined, I'd say I did just fine.

My running buddies

After our run, we cooled off with some time at the playground. Gage, you played with some of the older kids and mostly watched what they were doing. You went down the slides, ran across the bridge, and climbed all over the equipment. Gabe, you enjoyed the swings and watching all the kids play. We had a great day enjoying this wonderful sunny February day.

Gage on the slides

Gabe, just a swinging
I love you,

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