My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Winter 2013-2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This winter has been very cold compared to some of our most recent winters. There have been several bouts of ice and snow that have led to the county schools missing 13 or so days and now having to go to school into June. We've not gotten the snow like the areas north of us have, but we've been able to enjoy days with snow on the ground. About 2 weeks ago, Sissy spent the night with us on Friday and on Saturday, we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow. I had gone out to run that morning, so I was able to experience the beauty of the snow falling. When I got home and after you boys got up, fed and dressed, we decided to go outside to enjoy the snow. It was nearly 10 am by the time we got out and the snow had already started to melt. You boys were able to play for a little while, but we didn't get to build a snowman or throw snowballs, so that was disappointing. Our extended family lives north of us in Indiana, and they have been posting photos of all the things they've been doing in the snow. It looks like a lot of fun!

A few days ago, the weather made a drastic change. We went from highs in the twenties last week to highs in the upper sixties! We couldn't stay inside and waste the beautiful day, so we went to Basil Griffin Park to play on their expansive playground. Gage, you immediately ran to the largest slide on the grounds and fearlessly climbed to the top and made your descent. Gabe, you watched in awe as brother ran up the stairs to slide down again and again. I took you to the swings and you really enjoyed that.

Gage going down the big slide

Gabe not too sure what to think about the pipe slide


Riding the ducks with Daddy
After playtime, we went over to the lake to look at the ducks. We didn't bring anything to feed them, but there was a man and his young son feeding the ducks some bread. He let you Gage, throw some bread to the ducks and geese. You thought it was pretty cool. We had a great time taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Gage, you keep asking when we're going to go back to the park. We have a play set out in the yard, and even though it isn't quite as cool as the park, you boys love playing on it just as well.

Look at those ducks

Gage loved feeding the ducks and geese
I love you boys,

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