My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gage!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gage, we celebrated your third birthday on Sunday January 26, two days before your actual birthday. We had the entire family over, as well as some close friends. We started off the celebration with a delicious lunch. While we finished up the food, all you kids played together and ran wild. After lunch, it was time for cake and ice cream. I made some cupcakes and you helped me decorate them with different colored sprinkles. I put a number 3 candle in a blue cupcake and we all sang "Happy Birthday!" You were so excited to blow out your candle!

Helping me decorate the cupcakes

The finished products

Way to go!
After cupcakes, cookies and ice cream, it was time to open presents. You received a whole slew of gifts, including a pirate ship, puzzles, trucks, cars, Ninja Turtles movie, clothes and action figures. We saved our presents for last. You could care less about your new wardrobe, but you were excited about the toys. We got you a little kitchen with an assortment of play foods. You loved it. Once we got it set out and all the food opened, all the kids when straight to work, cooking up soup and hot cocoa. I'm so glad you liked the kitchen, though I didn't doubt you would. Anytime we go visit someone with a play kitchen, you go straight for it and cook your heart out. It was so great to have everyone over to celebrate your big day! Everyone had such a great time and you had a happy birthday.

Birthday love from Dows

Kaydence and Gage

Emma, I mustache you a question

Jett and Gage

Cooking with Ada

Cooking with Gabe
 On January 28, we celebrated your official 3rd birthday! It's so hard to believe that my little boy is three years old! Seems like only yesterday that we were heading up to the hospital full of anticipation. I had to work that night, so Daddy made you "sketti and meatballs," one of your favorite meals. After dinner we let you blow out another candle. We had saved one last present for you to open. You were so excited! You thought you had already gotten all your presents on Sunday. It was a little doctor's kit so you can now do check-ups on all of us.

The big 3!
Opening one last present
I love you boys so very much,

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