My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Gage's 3 Year Checkup

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On February 4, we went to see Dr. Chris for your 3 year checkup Gage. You were not due for any immunizations, but you asked every nurse if you you were getting any shots. The nurse measured you at 40.5 inches (98th percentile) and weighed you in at 38 pounds (95th percentile). You've grown 4 inches taller and gained 7 pounds since your two year checkup! We tried to have you look at an eye chart, but you got stage fright and wouldn't talk to the nurse. They said it was fine and not necessary at age three, but wanted to give it a try anyway. Dr. Chris came in shortly after and did a check up. He listened to your heart and lungs, looked into your mouth and ears and felt around on your belly. You were a very good boy and did a great job with your checkup. Dr. Chris was very pleased with how much you've grown and how well you're developing, and so are we. You're my big, healthy boy!

I love you,

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