My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Slumber party with KD

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday night, your Granny Dows and cousin KD spent the night with us. I had worked Sunday overnight, so when I woke up from my nap on Monday, we had company. You boys had so much fun playing with KD and Dows. It was a nice treat to have them stay with us. We ate dinner and then you kids played some more. When it was time to go to sleep, we were a little worried about the sleeping arrangements. Gage, you have been strange about sleeping upstairs in your room, so you've been sleeping on the little fold out Mickey couch in Gabe's room. KD usually sleeps with Dows or her Mommy. We put you both upstairs in your trundle bed and turned on some cartoons. Within 20 minutes, you both were fast asleep. No worries there! The next morning I went to run my long run for the week, so Dows was able to get up with you all. By the time I got back, you all were up and at 'em, hyped up on cereal and playing like crazy. What a great slumber party!

Playing in Gabe's room while watching cartoons
I love you,

Happy Valentine's Day 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We celebrated love on February 14 with Valentine's Day. I worked that night, but we were still able to have a little celebration. I bought you boys a little stuffed animal and chocolates each and got Daddy a big box of Turtles. We didn't plan on doing anything big, but Daddy surprised me. He got me a replacement coffee cup from my marathon (I dropped mine and cracked the exterior) and he ordered remote start for the new Explorer. What a great present! Thank you, Babe!

Gabe, you couldn't wait for me to open the chocolates

Blue eyed boy

I love you,

Sunny February Day

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Today the temperature got up into the mid to high sixties, so we took advantage of the warm weather. I packed up the double running stroller and we headed up to Kereiakes Park. I always love to run there with you boys and we haven't been since the fall. The park has a gravel path that is 1.25 miles long. It is extremely hilly, but such a great workout. We ran 3 laps today and then ran another 2.5 miles along Cemetery Road for a total of 6.25 miles. I had a few struggles with the hills, but there's no motivation like a 3 year old telling you you're going too slow and that he wants to go faster! We finished at about a 10:09 pace/mile, which isn't much to brag about, but considering you boys now weigh at least 60 pounds combined, I'd say I did just fine.

My running buddies

After our run, we cooled off with some time at the playground. Gage, you played with some of the older kids and mostly watched what they were doing. You went down the slides, ran across the bridge, and climbed all over the equipment. Gabe, you enjoyed the swings and watching all the kids play. We had a great day enjoying this wonderful sunny February day.

Gage on the slides

Gabe, just a swinging
I love you,

Winter 2013-2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This winter has been very cold compared to some of our most recent winters. There have been several bouts of ice and snow that have led to the county schools missing 13 or so days and now having to go to school into June. We've not gotten the snow like the areas north of us have, but we've been able to enjoy days with snow on the ground. About 2 weeks ago, Sissy spent the night with us on Friday and on Saturday, we woke up to a fresh blanket of snow. I had gone out to run that morning, so I was able to experience the beauty of the snow falling. When I got home and after you boys got up, fed and dressed, we decided to go outside to enjoy the snow. It was nearly 10 am by the time we got out and the snow had already started to melt. You boys were able to play for a little while, but we didn't get to build a snowman or throw snowballs, so that was disappointing. Our extended family lives north of us in Indiana, and they have been posting photos of all the things they've been doing in the snow. It looks like a lot of fun!

A few days ago, the weather made a drastic change. We went from highs in the twenties last week to highs in the upper sixties! We couldn't stay inside and waste the beautiful day, so we went to Basil Griffin Park to play on their expansive playground. Gage, you immediately ran to the largest slide on the grounds and fearlessly climbed to the top and made your descent. Gabe, you watched in awe as brother ran up the stairs to slide down again and again. I took you to the swings and you really enjoyed that.

Gage going down the big slide

Gabe not too sure what to think about the pipe slide


Riding the ducks with Daddy
After playtime, we went over to the lake to look at the ducks. We didn't bring anything to feed them, but there was a man and his young son feeding the ducks some bread. He let you Gage, throw some bread to the ducks and geese. You thought it was pretty cool. We had a great time taking advantage of the beautiful weather. Gage, you keep asking when we're going to go back to the park. We have a play set out in the yard, and even though it isn't quite as cool as the park, you boys love playing on it just as well.

Look at those ducks

Gage loved feeding the ducks and geese
I love you boys,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Gabe's Toddler Bed

Dear Gage and Gabe,

For the past couple of weeks, Gage, you have been climbing into to Gabe's crib to keep things away from him. I'm not really sure what precipitated this behavior, but I'd bet money it has something to do with being three years old and not wanting to share. As many times as you've been put in time out over this, you continue to do it. The only way we could think to stop the behavior is to just get rid of the crib. Daddy converted it over to a toddler bed. Gage, you were a little over two when we changed it over for you, but we decided that even though you're not quite 15 months Gabe, it would be best. Gabe, you've adjusted extremely well to the change and now you'll go climb into bed when you're ready for a nap. I was worried about you climbing out in the middle of the night, but you stay in bed until morning. Some mornings when I go in to check on you, you're laying in your bed awake and just playing with your little plush dog that you can't sleep without. Gage, you still like to get into brother's bed, but it's not quite as appealing as it was.

Just hanging out in brother's bed

Jumping in brother's bed

He was tired. He took a nap
I love you,

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dows!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On February 4, your Granny Dows celebrated a birthday. I won't disclose her age, but it was a BIG one :) She came over for dinner and playtime with you boys. We made pizza pasta and had cheesecake for dessert. We had a really great time visiting and playing with Dows and celebrating her special day!

I love you,

Gage's 3 Year Checkup

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On February 4, we went to see Dr. Chris for your 3 year checkup Gage. You were not due for any immunizations, but you asked every nurse if you you were getting any shots. The nurse measured you at 40.5 inches (98th percentile) and weighed you in at 38 pounds (95th percentile). You've grown 4 inches taller and gained 7 pounds since your two year checkup! We tried to have you look at an eye chart, but you got stage fright and wouldn't talk to the nurse. They said it was fine and not necessary at age three, but wanted to give it a try anyway. Dr. Chris came in shortly after and did a check up. He listened to your heart and lungs, looked into your mouth and ears and felt around on your belly. You were a very good boy and did a great job with your checkup. Dr. Chris was very pleased with how much you've grown and how well you're developing, and so are we. You're my big, healthy boy!

I love you,

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gage!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gage, we celebrated your third birthday on Sunday January 26, two days before your actual birthday. We had the entire family over, as well as some close friends. We started off the celebration with a delicious lunch. While we finished up the food, all you kids played together and ran wild. After lunch, it was time for cake and ice cream. I made some cupcakes and you helped me decorate them with different colored sprinkles. I put a number 3 candle in a blue cupcake and we all sang "Happy Birthday!" You were so excited to blow out your candle!

Helping me decorate the cupcakes

The finished products

Way to go!
After cupcakes, cookies and ice cream, it was time to open presents. You received a whole slew of gifts, including a pirate ship, puzzles, trucks, cars, Ninja Turtles movie, clothes and action figures. We saved our presents for last. You could care less about your new wardrobe, but you were excited about the toys. We got you a little kitchen with an assortment of play foods. You loved it. Once we got it set out and all the food opened, all the kids when straight to work, cooking up soup and hot cocoa. I'm so glad you liked the kitchen, though I didn't doubt you would. Anytime we go visit someone with a play kitchen, you go straight for it and cook your heart out. It was so great to have everyone over to celebrate your big day! Everyone had such a great time and you had a happy birthday.

Birthday love from Dows

Kaydence and Gage

Emma, I mustache you a question

Jett and Gage

Cooking with Ada

Cooking with Gabe
 On January 28, we celebrated your official 3rd birthday! It's so hard to believe that my little boy is three years old! Seems like only yesterday that we were heading up to the hospital full of anticipation. I had to work that night, so Daddy made you "sketti and meatballs," one of your favorite meals. After dinner we let you blow out another candle. We had saved one last present for you to open. You were so excited! You thought you had already gotten all your presents on Sunday. It was a little doctor's kit so you can now do check-ups on all of us.

The big 3!
Opening one last present
I love you boys so very much,

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Gabe is walking

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, on Christmas Eve, you took your first independent steps. You had been walking along the furniture, behind your push toys and while holding our hands, but this was the first time you walked solo! Granny Dows was trying to get you to walk to Daddy, and after a few failed attempts you took the first steps. You walked about 3 or 4 steps before you realized what you were doing and then sat down. We were all so excited and we were cheering you on. You walked several more times that night and have been walking (off and on) since.

First steps!
You still prefer to crawl, but as each day passes, your walking to crawling ratio is getting greater. Gage, you took your first steps on your 11 month birthday, and hardly ever crawled again. I'm not sure why you enjoy crawling so much Gabe, but sooner or later you'll realize how much easier it is to walk. Maybe then the little callouses on your knees will heal!

I love you,

Happy Birthday, Momma!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I celebrated my 30th (yikes! gasp!) birthday on January 19. I had to work, but that didn't stop the celebration. Overnight at work, Steve the clerk and Jerry the shift lead surprised me with a cupcake, complete with a candle, and a bag of frosted animal crackers. Samantha bought me a box of Mike and Ikes and shared some of her goodies. They must all know I have a serious sweet tooth! When I got home from work, you boys were still asleep so I went out for a nice 5 mile run. It was a great way to make up for all the junk I had eaten overnight!

Red Velvet cupcake from the WAG
After I got back from my run, it was time to get you boys out of bed. We played, read books and played some more. Gabe, you started to get sleepy, so for my birthday, you let me cuddle you while we watched cartoons. You ended up falling asleep in my arms, which was a rare treat! Such a sweet cuddle bug :)

Cuddle time with my boys :)
When I got up that evening for work, we had a house full of guests. Dows, KD, Granny and Sissy were all over to help me celebrate my birthday. Daddy made my favorite roasted vegetable pizza and surprised me with lemon lush for dessert. Gage, you insisted on helping me blow out my candles and unwrap my presents. Sissy got me a beautiful pair of earrings, Granny got me a picture frame and photo box and Daddy shocked me with a beautiful white gold and diamond necklace! It was absolutely stunning!

Mommy and my sweets

My beautiful necklace :)
By the time I finished opening my presents, it was time to head to work. Even though I am now an "Old Momma" according to you Gage, I enjoyed my birthday. It was so great to have everyone around to help celebrate.

I love you,

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Having "school"

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Nearly every day, we have "school" here at the house with you Gage. We sit down with our box of school supplies (flashcards, activity books, marker boards, crayons) and go through things until you lose interest. At three, that doesn't take too long! We usually make it through the entire alphabet, numbers one through twenty and a book. You've known how to count to twenty and say your abc's for quite a while, but actually identifying them when you see them in print is the main focus. You still confuse W & M and X, Y, & K, but you are making some great progress. I'm so impressed with how well you're doing and your love of learning!


"That's a big N"
I love you,