My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Visit with Santa

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We went to Greenwood Mall today to visit with Santa. Gage, last year was a disaster when we went to visit Santa. You cried and didn't want to sit on his lap. We had a feeling it was going to be the same way this year, but we were pleasantly surprised. As soon as you got up to him, you climbed right onto his lap and proceeded to tell him that you want "Octonauts and Mickey Mouse" for Christmas. You visited with Santa for a few minutes and even gave him a high five.

Gabe, when it was your turn, I started to worry again. You're a shy little guy and usually don't like to be held by anyone you don't know. But once again, you kiddos had us fooled! Gabe, you sat on Santa's lap and smiled up a storm. You were a good boy and even played with the little activity book Santa gave you!

Thank you boys for being so well-behaved for Santa. He sees a lot of children every day and I'm sure he appreciates the well-behaved kiddos!

I love you,

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