My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Up to no good

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Having two boys means there isn't much I haven't seen, nor is there much that surprises me anymore. I'm sure this will only get worse as you boys get older. Right now it's just a lot of messes. We've had to replace two nightlights in the past week, because someone thinks it's fun to toss them down the steps. I'm still scrubbing crayon marks off the walls and permanent marker off the cabinets. Every piece of furniture is scuffed and notched (luckily we own no expensive furniture). For some reason, Gabe, you think it's fun to unroll all the toilet paper off the rolls. I caught you this morning and documented this monumental occasion. What am I going to do with you boys??

Caught you!
I love you,

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