My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year, we celebrated Halloween three times! There were forecasts of severe thunderstorms and bad weather for Thursday October, 31, so we did some research to find someway to celebrate the holiday. Because Bowling Green didn't officially postpone Trick-or-Treating, we wanted to make sure you boys got to experience the fun. On Wednesday October 30, we went to the Harvest Festival at Preston Miller Park. One of the local churches was hosting the festival and it was loads of fun. There were bouncy houses and plenty of games to play. Gage, you really enjoyed jumping in the house and Gabe, you enjoyed watching everyone play.

Sheriff Woody ready to go

"Fishing" for treats

Sliding down his favorite bouncy house
After the festival, we went to a Trunk-or-Treat at the First Baptist Church downtown. It took a bit of time to walk through the line to all the cars, but it was worth it! We talked to so many nice people and saw a lot of awesome costumes. Of course, the bag full of candy was nice too!

On Halloween, the weather was a bit frightful. The wind was howling and the sky was dark. Several of the subdivisions in town had decided to postpone trick-or-treating, so we went to the mall. Gage, we dressed you up once again as Sheriff Woody. You loved dressing up as a cowboy. Gabe, we dressed you up as baby bear and I dressed up as Goldilocks. We got there around 3:45 and I'm glad we got there early. We started walking through the mall, making stops at all the stores. By the time we got halfway through, there were crowds of people. The line eventually came to a stand still, so we decided to leave.

Sheriff Woody, take two

Baby Bear and Goldilocks

All dressed up

 After we left the mall, we went to visit my friend Stephanie and her family. Baby Courtland was dressed up as Winnie the Pooh and he looked so cute! They live in a subdivision, so after our visit we decided to walk around and see if anyone was trick-or-treating. The sky still looked a little scary, but there was not thunder, lightening or rain. There were a few people out and by the time the sun set, we saw several lit front porches. We decided to give it a go, and we were pleasantly surprised! There were a lot of friendly people in the Halloween spirit, eager for our visit!

Stephanie and Courtland


The obligatory "Baby's First..." bib
We enjoy Halloween and even with the threat of bad weather, we made the most of it! We got to dress up and go trick-or-treating. We had a lot of fun and Gage, you are so excited for Happy Halloween again!

I love you,

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