My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Boyce Christmas Parade 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Boyce Community had their annual Christmas parade on Sunday December first. We had the family over for Thanksgiving dinner that day, but we were still able to make it to the parade. We all piled into the big truck and headed down Hwy 240. We parked in our usual spot in the field and waited for the procession of trucks, floats, horses and whatever else might be participating. It was a bit on the cold side, so we were all bundled up from head to toe.

Gage, you got so excited when we heard the first sirens of the parade. You were even more excited when handfuls of candy were being thrown at you! We all helped play candy pickup and ended up with a bagful of goodies. Gabe, you enjoyed watching all the participants drive by and you especially loved the suckers that your big brother picked up for you!

Here comes the parade!

Enjoying a DumDum

Silly horse is wearing pants!

Gabe and Daddy watching the floats

Dylan, Gage and Sissy
We had a great time, as always, at the Boyce Parade.

I love you,

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