My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gabe's First Haircut

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, since you turned one year old, it was time for a first haircut. You weren't born with much hair and we would joke around about your "old man" hair. You had a little hair on the top of your head and more around the ears. As you've grown, your hair has filled in on the top, but the hair around your ears has really grown. It was definitely time for a trim.

We went to Friendz salon to see my friend Brittney for your first haircut. Brittney and I were basketball teammates in high school. She cuts my hair and she cut your hair Gage, for your first haircut. Gabe, we sat you in the chair with a booster and you were such a good boy. You sat still for most of the cut, but you started to get antsy towards the end. Brittney did a great job with your haircut. You no longer look like a baby, but rather a little man!

Such a happy boy

Look at that handsome boy!

Big boy haircut
I love you,

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