My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Gabe's First Birthday Party

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, on Saturday December, 7 we officially celebrated your birthday with a party at the Sleep Inn. We chose Mickey Mouse as the theme as it is your favorite show. Anytime you hear the magic words (Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse), you stop what you're doing and come into the living room.  Your Daddy and I decorated the conference room the night before the party and I have to admit, it looked pretty good. We had it decked out in red, yellow and black with Mickey Mouse accents all over. Of course you're too small to appreciate the work, but Gage, you thought it looked pretty cool.

Tables with plush character centerpieces

Gift table

Dessert plates

Mickey's pants

We prepared the sides for lunch and picked up the chicken strips from a local shop. Everything was delicious. After eating lunch, it was time for dessert. I made cupcakes and Oreo balls and we ordered your cake. Kroger did the honors and they made a very cute Mickey Mouse cake. We put the cake in front of you with a Mickey Mouse candle and I'm glad we decided not to light it. You went straight for it and wouldn't leave it alone. After we removed the distraction, it was time to dig in. You were hesitant to touch the cake. After some thought, you decided it would be ok. You were slow to start and you even threw some of the icing on the floor! I helped you get down to the cake and you dove right in! You ate nearly a quarter of the cake before we stopped you. You probably would have eaten the entire thing if we'd let you, but it was time to open presents.

Dessert table

Mickey Mouse Oreo Balls

Mickey Mouse birthday boy

Gimme that Mickey Mouse

What is this??

Oh, yummy!!!
After getting you cleaned up, you opened your presents. You didn't really do too much of the opening. You had a big brother there to help, so that didn't leave much work for you. You didn't care though and you really enjoyed every present you opened. You especially loved the little fold out Mickey Mouse couch :)

Ooo, pretty toy!

Happy family
We had a great time at the party, even though we didn't get the turnout we expected. We were so happy and grateful for those who came and very thankful for all the support.

I love you,

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