My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Momma's Fall Races

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I fancy myself a "runner." I'm slow as molasses, but I love being out on the road. I ran my first "race" in 2008.  It was a 5K in Lexington with my good friend Sarah Shouse. I was so proud of finishing the 3.1 miles, but I knew that I wanted more.

In 2009, I ran my first half marathon in Louisville. Since that half, I knew I wanted to run a full marathon and made it a goal of mine to complete one before I turn 30. In January 2012, I made a New Year's Resolution to run a marathon. I had my sights set on the First Annual BG26.2 in November. I ran a half marathon in March and just knew I would be able to achieve my goal. That is, until I found out I was pregnant in April. I continued to run up until I was around 25 weeks pregnant, but then it got more difficult. I accepted the truth that I would not be able to keep my resolution. I would not be running a marathon in 2012.

Gabe, you were born on December 5 and on January 1, 2013 I hit the roads once more. This would be my year to run a marathon. When you were 15 1/2 weeks old, I ran the Total Fitness Half Marathon in Bowling Green. I didn't achieve a PR, but I finished with a respectable time. That was March and by June, it was time to start officially training for the marathon.

Running  the Total Fitness MiniMarathon with Therisa

Post race pic with baby Gabe
I use a RunKeeper app on my phone and it has several different training plans. I selected a plan whose goal is a sub-4 hour marathon. This seemed like a hefty goal, but under four hours was what I wanted to achieve. Each week, my long runs lengthened by a mile and each week, my weekly mileage increased. I ran out on the back roads around our house and I also took you boys to run with me at Kereiakes. It was an extra workout to push you boys in the double runner, but it helped in my training.

In October, I ran the Medical Center 10K Classic. It was a cold day and one minute before the the gun went off, the rain started. And it stayed. It rained the entire race and gradually became heavier and heavier. I was soaked by the time I crossed the finish line with a new PR of 49:59. Daddy and you boys were waiting for me at the finish line, cheering me on!

Crossing the finish at the Medical Center 10K Classic
Two weeks later, it was time for the BG26.2. November 3, 2013 was a very cold morning (one of the coldest of the fall season thus far - just my luck). But the sky was clear and it was supposed to get up in the low 40's. I didn't sleep well the night prior due to nerves and the anticipation of the race. I was so nervous because I had never run the distance I was about to run. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish. I was worried that I would fail. I had put so much time and energy into training for this race, and it was finally here. 

I got up to the starting line with enough time to make some final preparations. I bounced around trying to shake the nerves and was even on the verge of tears a few times. By the time the gun sounded, I was a basket case and just ready to get started. Out of the chutes we went and up the hill we ran. About a mile in, I started to calm down and fall into my race pace. As I ran through campus, an older gentleman in a cowboy hat fell into step beside me. He asked me what my goal for the day was and once I told him I was trying for a sub 4 hour marathon, he told me he was going to stick with me. 

Robert has been a marathoner for 10 years and the BG26.2 was his 280th marathon! He's ran a race in all 50 states and is currently making his way through them for the third time. The week prior, he ran a marathon in Indonesia where the weather was 75 degrees with 95% humidity. A drastic difference to the rain conditions at our race. He was a very nice man and he shared a lot of advice and tips along the way. We stuck together until the 12 mile mark, when he fell back. He encouraged me to go on and wished me well. 

I continued on at a little under my target pace and was optimistic about the way things were going. I felt a bit of discouragement as I watched the half marathoners end their race while I started the second loop. Running through campus the second time (up and down the hill twice more), was challenging and I think it's what did me in. By the time I reached the 21 mile mark, I was struggling. My pace was slowing and every step became harder and harder. I kept to my mantra, "one foot in front of the other," but it started to fail me. I started praying the rosary, but I kept losing my place. By mile 25, I was ready to call it a day, throw in the towel, but got some encouragement from another runner. "One more mile! You can do this!" he said. I reached deep into my core and mustered up the strength to get to the finish line. I crossed at 4:04:01. Not my goal, but damn proud that I finished. You boys, Daddy and Dows were there cheering me through the finish. I nearly collapsed, but stayed on my feet long enough for victory hugs and kisses. I had done it! I had finished a marathon! I was so giddy with excitement, but at the same time exhausted and sore. One of my proudest achievements and I got to share it with you! Thank you boys (and Daddy) for all the encouragement in my running endeavors! I look forward to the races to come and to the day when we can all cross the finish line together!

Crossing the finish line!!!
My running buddy - Robert aka "Cowboy"

Post run pic

One of my gifts from the goody bag - coffee always tastes a little sweeter out of this cup

Finished 3rd in my age group and got this nifty mug
I love you so much,

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What does a fox say?

Dear Gage and Gabe,

There is a quite comical video out called "The Fox" by a Norwegian group called Ylvis. We watched it today and Gage, you made your own rendition of the song.  

You boys constantly put a smile on my face.
I love you,

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Up to no good

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Having two boys means there isn't much I haven't seen, nor is there much that surprises me anymore. I'm sure this will only get worse as you boys get older. Right now it's just a lot of messes. We've had to replace two nightlights in the past week, because someone thinks it's fun to toss them down the steps. I'm still scrubbing crayon marks off the walls and permanent marker off the cabinets. Every piece of furniture is scuffed and notched (luckily we own no expensive furniture). For some reason, Gabe, you think it's fun to unroll all the toilet paper off the rolls. I caught you this morning and documented this monumental occasion. What am I going to do with you boys??

Caught you!
I love you,

Free Standing

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, you've been pulling up and walking along the furniture (and pretty much whatever else you can grab onto) for quite some time. A couple weeks ago, you thought it would be fun to let go of those things and stand solo! You would stand for a few seconds and then fall down. You laugh and laugh when you do this, and of course we laugh right along with you! Since then, I've been working with your standing solo. I'm anxious for you to walk, but you don't seem interested. You can crawl with the best of them, so why walk? We'll get there eventually, but for now, you like to free stand!

Such a proud standing boy
I love you,

Gabe's First Birthday Party

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, on Saturday December, 7 we officially celebrated your birthday with a party at the Sleep Inn. We chose Mickey Mouse as the theme as it is your favorite show. Anytime you hear the magic words (Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse), you stop what you're doing and come into the living room.  Your Daddy and I decorated the conference room the night before the party and I have to admit, it looked pretty good. We had it decked out in red, yellow and black with Mickey Mouse accents all over. Of course you're too small to appreciate the work, but Gage, you thought it looked pretty cool.

Tables with plush character centerpieces

Gift table

Dessert plates

Mickey's pants

We prepared the sides for lunch and picked up the chicken strips from a local shop. Everything was delicious. After eating lunch, it was time for dessert. I made cupcakes and Oreo balls and we ordered your cake. Kroger did the honors and they made a very cute Mickey Mouse cake. We put the cake in front of you with a Mickey Mouse candle and I'm glad we decided not to light it. You went straight for it and wouldn't leave it alone. After we removed the distraction, it was time to dig in. You were hesitant to touch the cake. After some thought, you decided it would be ok. You were slow to start and you even threw some of the icing on the floor! I helped you get down to the cake and you dove right in! You ate nearly a quarter of the cake before we stopped you. You probably would have eaten the entire thing if we'd let you, but it was time to open presents.

Dessert table

Mickey Mouse Oreo Balls

Mickey Mouse birthday boy

Gimme that Mickey Mouse

What is this??

Oh, yummy!!!
After getting you cleaned up, you opened your presents. You didn't really do too much of the opening. You had a big brother there to help, so that didn't leave much work for you. You didn't care though and you really enjoyed every present you opened. You especially loved the little fold out Mickey Mouse couch :)

Ooo, pretty toy!

Happy family
We had a great time at the party, even though we didn't get the turnout we expected. We were so happy and grateful for those who came and very thankful for all the support.

I love you,

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Visit with Santa

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We went to Greenwood Mall today to visit with Santa. Gage, last year was a disaster when we went to visit Santa. You cried and didn't want to sit on his lap. We had a feeling it was going to be the same way this year, but we were pleasantly surprised. As soon as you got up to him, you climbed right onto his lap and proceeded to tell him that you want "Octonauts and Mickey Mouse" for Christmas. You visited with Santa for a few minutes and even gave him a high five.

Gabe, when it was your turn, I started to worry again. You're a shy little guy and usually don't like to be held by anyone you don't know. But once again, you kiddos had us fooled! Gabe, you sat on Santa's lap and smiled up a storm. You were a good boy and even played with the little activity book Santa gave you!

Thank you boys for being so well-behaved for Santa. He sees a lot of children every day and I'm sure he appreciates the well-behaved kiddos!

I love you,

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gabe's First Haircut

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, since you turned one year old, it was time for a first haircut. You weren't born with much hair and we would joke around about your "old man" hair. You had a little hair on the top of your head and more around the ears. As you've grown, your hair has filled in on the top, but the hair around your ears has really grown. It was definitely time for a trim.

We went to Friendz salon to see my friend Brittney for your first haircut. Brittney and I were basketball teammates in high school. She cuts my hair and she cut your hair Gage, for your first haircut. Gabe, we sat you in the chair with a booster and you were such a good boy. You sat still for most of the cut, but you started to get antsy towards the end. Brittney did a great job with your haircut. You no longer look like a baby, but rather a little man!

Such a happy boy

Look at that handsome boy!

Big boy haircut
I love you,

Happy 12 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On December 5, 2013 we celebrated a very special day - Gabe's First Birthday!! One year ago, we welcomed you Gabe, into this crazy world! Each and every day I am so thankful to have you and your brother in my life! You all have brought me so much joy and happiness. I can't imagine my life without you boys in it! Everyday is an adventure with two boys in the house, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

We planned a big party for you on December 7 (which I'll discuss in a different post), so we had a small celebration at the house on your birthday.

Excited about your little present

It's a big egg!

And they stack!!

Happy 1st Birthday, Gabe Jaxson!!

Yummy cake!
We took you to see Dr. Chris for your 12 month check up on Monday, December 9. You weighed in at a whopping 21 pounds (40th percentile) and measured 31 inches tall (85th percentile). You're still long and slim, but growing and developing well. Dr. Chris was very happy with how you've grown!

Gabe Jaxson - 12/5/13
(you wouldn't sit still, so I had to snap a fast picture)
Gage, at your 12 month check up, you weighed 21 pounds, 12 ounces and measured 30.5 inches tall.

Gage Joseph - 1/28/12
I love you so much!!

Boyce Christmas Parade 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Boyce Community had their annual Christmas parade on Sunday December first. We had the family over for Thanksgiving dinner that day, but we were still able to make it to the parade. We all piled into the big truck and headed down Hwy 240. We parked in our usual spot in the field and waited for the procession of trucks, floats, horses and whatever else might be participating. It was a bit on the cold side, so we were all bundled up from head to toe.

Gage, you got so excited when we heard the first sirens of the parade. You were even more excited when handfuls of candy were being thrown at you! We all helped play candy pickup and ended up with a bagful of goodies. Gabe, you enjoyed watching all the participants drive by and you especially loved the suckers that your big brother picked up for you!

Here comes the parade!

Enjoying a DumDum

Silly horse is wearing pants!

Gabe and Daddy watching the floats

Dylan, Gage and Sissy
We had a great time, as always, at the Boyce Parade.

I love you,

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I was off work this year for Thanksgiving, so we were able to go up to Fort Branch and visit the Hall Family. I've had to work every Thanksgiving since I was licensed in 2010, so I was very excited to be off work. The traditional lunch has historically been held at Grandma and Grandpa's house, but with some recent events, Steve and Peg decided to host the noon meal.

Grandpa developed Shingles the week prior to Thanksgiving, so they were not able to attend. Because we hadn't seen them since April, we decided to visit them at their house. Gabe, you hadn't had the Varicella Vaccine yet, so we were very careful with you. Grandpa wasn't able to hold you, but he was able to watch you play. We had a nice visit and it was so great to see them.

Grandma and Gabe

Mommy with Grandma and Grandpa
We made it up to Fort Branch in time for the noon meal. There was a huge selection of Thanksgiving food and we all had our fill. Gabe, you loved the turkey and mashed potatoes the best. Gage, you loved the mashed potatoes and dumplings. You were a little preoccupied with all your cousins and wanted to play rather than eat. After lunch all the children played while we visited with everyone. It was so great to see everyone and I'm so glad we were able to make it up to Indiana for Thanksgiving.

Gage cooking with Molly - Gage, you made soup and
hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy :)

Playing with Mary
On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we had the family over to celebrate the holiday. We cooked a beautiful and tasty Thanksgiving meal and then topped it off with some delicious desserts. It was great having everyone over for this special holiday. It makes us reflect on all the wonderful things in our lives of which we are thankful.

The spread - and Gabe on the floor playing with the
decorative towels that I like to hang on the oven

Enjoying his second "First Thanksgiving" meal

Kaydence and NeeNee

Matt, Jude, Molly, Beth and Logan

Jett, Maleesha and Kymberlynn

I love you very much,