My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Little Brother

Dear Gage,

Yesterday I had a 19 week ultrasound and it was discovered that you are going to have a baby BROTHER! Your Dada's face lit up like the Fourth of July when we heard the good news. I am very excited too and this means we don't have to buy all new bedding, toys, clothes, blankets, etc. Having a little girl to dress in ribbons and bows would have been lovely, but having a baby boy will be a little easier. You're going to have a little brother to train in all the ways of a little boy. The most important thing learned yesterday, is baby boy is extremely healthy, all parts are functioning properly and is measuring right at 19 1/2 weeks! We have been very blessed thus far with this pregnancy and continue to pray for continued health for the remaining 20 weeks! He'll be here before we know it!

Sucking his thumb

Healthy baby boy!
I love you so much,

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