My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

First visit to the dentist

Dear Gage,

Today we took you to see the dentist for the very first time. We went to see Dr. Randy Elliott at the referral of Dr. Chris. The office was super neat. There were video games in the lobby and you thought it was pretty cool to watch. There was a boy around the age of 5 who was playing one of the games. He invited you to sit and play with him, but you were acting shy. It was ok, because we got called back pretty quick.

We went to our station and the hygienist had you sit in the chair. You didn't like the chair too much, so I sat down with you on my lap. The area was open, so we could see all the other kids in the office waiting to see the dentist. You were getting a little antsy so the hygienist gave you a little toy hammer to play with. That won you over! You liked her after that.

Not sure about this big chair

The hygienist was wanting to look at your teeth, so she was trying to get you to say "aaah." You weren't really sure what this silly lady was doing, so Daddy did it, then I did. After that, you decided it was ok to do so you opened your mouth and started saying, "aaah!"

Saying "aaah" with Daddy
The dentist made his way over to our area and it was time to give you an examination. Daddy was in the chair with you at this point, so he laid you back on the foot rest and the dentist took his post in the wheelie chair. He had a little dental mirror that he let you hold while he did the exam. You were such a good boy. I was so afraid you were going to cry, but you didn't. You sat so still for him and opened your mouth wide. We are so proud of you! You are growing up so fast!!

Getting your teeth checked by Dr. Elliott
I love you,

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