My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Vacation Day 8 (6/24/12)

Dear Gage,

We left Miramar Beach pretty early this morning, and it was perfect timing. As we pulled out of the parking lot of the town house, it started raining. We drove along the beach for about a mile and it was a scary sight. Dark clouds in the distance, large waves and strong wind. I'm glad Debby decided to wait for us to leave. Our drive home was quite uneventful. With it being a Sunday, the traffic was light and there wasn't any construction going on. You were content watching The Sword in the Stone and Snow White, in between cat naps. We stopped in Alabama to refuel and got gas for $2.99 a gallon! That's the lowest I've seen gas prices in quite a while! It was a nice relief. We drove through four states to get home: Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
Alabama the Beautiful, and hot

Cheap gas

Sleeping beauties


Home Sweet Home
We had a great time on vacation, but it was nice to finally be home!

I love you,

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