My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Visit with the Salyer family

Dear Gage,

On Thursday night we went over to see Dustin, Amanda and Emma. It has been nearly six months since we've seen them and that has been too long. We last saw them at Emma's first birthday party. You both were barely walking and only saying a few words. My how babies change in 6 months! You were both running around, talking up a storm, playing with toys and harrassing the animals! Good times. You haven't really been around cats, and only see them in pictures. The had a little calico cat sitting under their table and as soon as you saw it, you screamed out "cat!" and proceeded to chase it around. You finally got a hold of it and tried to pick it up. Poor little kitty. He was more than happy to go outside after that.

After a delicious dinner, we went for a swim in their pool. It was a little later in the evening, but the water was so warm and refreshing. We hadn't been swimming since our vacation, but you acted like a pro. You kept trying to get out of my arms and swim around, when you do not know yet how to swim. You're a brave little boy! We had a great time swimming around the pool, throwing the beach balls back and forth and you had a great time splashing everyone!

You splashed right before Daddy took the picture

Mommies and their babies

Giving hugs Goodbye
We had a great time with the Salyer family and we have promised each other it won't be six months before we see each other again!

I love you,

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