My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Basil Griffin Park

Dear Gage,

This week the weather has cooled down, so we took advantage of the 90 degree weather and went to the park. We went to Basil Griffin Park with a half bag of hot dog buns and our bicycles. We went to the lake side first and fed the ducks. It was a little frightening when they started flocking around us, but we kept our distance and threw the bread out. They really liked the bread and you thought they were very neat.

Excited about the ducks

Thinking about getting in the water

After feeding the ducks, you went on a bike ride with Daddy while I walked. It was great to get out and exercise. This cold snap (90 compared to 105) has made it a lot more bearable to be outside. You really enjoyed riding around the park with Daddy and afterward you played on the playground. The slides were a little too hot but the swings were fine. You had a great time!

Bike ride with Daddy

Sliding with Daddy

Having fun swinging
I love you,

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