My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

SOKY fair

Dear Gage,

We went to the SOKY fair on Friday with the Salyer family. It was a hot night, but once the sun went down, it became tolerable. We took Jett with us as well and he had such a great time. You and Emma were just a little too small to ride any of the rides this year, but you really enjoyed watching the people! Daddy and Dustin rode on the Remix while Jett and Amanda rode on the strawberry twirl. Jett loved the Fun Slide and he got Daddy to ride once, and even me. We played some of the games and won several prizes. Daddy won a little beanie dog for you, while Jett won a beanie dog, framed Avengers picture and a stuffed bull dog. He was really proud of his bull dog!

We feasted on fair food and watched the demolition derby. You weren't really sure what to think about the crashing cars, but you watched with deep fascination. Jett got some cotton candy, and he and Emma dug right in while you watched. It took you a minute, but you started to like it too! We all had a really great time this year at the fair and I think once you can ride the rides, you'll like it even more.

Jett and Amanda

Jett and Dada riding the Fun Slide

Yummy cotton candy

Mommies and our babies

Fun on the Fun Slide

Jett riding the helicopter
I love you,

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