My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Dear Gage,

We celebrated your first Halloween as Goldilocks and the two bears. Starring you as Baby Bear. We wanted Maddie to play the role of Goldilocks, but as a 13 year old, she wasn't really in the dressing up spirit! So I assumed the role of the nosy, blonde little girl and Dada was Papa bear. We went to see the Benningfields, aka Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Superman. Since we don't live in a nice little subdivision, we wandered around theirs. It was so much fun to see all the kids and some adults dressed up and enjoying the holiday. After visiting several houses and feeling a tad bit embarrassed about trick-or-treating (as you're only 9 months old and clearly this candy isn't for you. I'm sure you would have been perfectly content being at home playing with your toys, completely unaware of the holiday), we went to Living Hope's Trunks of Treats to meet up with Granny Dowwoe, Jett, Auntie NeeNee and Kady. Jett was dressed up as a scary vampire and Kady was the cutest little monkey. There were so many people there dressed up and trick-or-treating, you just couldn't figure out where to look. You were amazed at all the make-up and costumes. We saw some pretty interesting costumes, but my favorite (after ours and Jett's and Kady's of course) was the pirate and the boat. The Dad, dressed as a pirate, was pulling a wagon decorated as a boat sailing his two children dressed as pirates too. 

Goldilocks and Baby Bear

Papa Bear and Baby Bear

Baby Bear and Cuddly monkey

Papa Bear, Baby Bear and Goldilocks

Vampire Jett!

Baby Bear

All our your candy :)

After walking through the line and visiting all the trunks, we headed home to carve pumpkins. Your Dada had bought one for our fall decorations as we waited for the ones we planted to ripen. But this past weekend the weather turned cold and it frosted, killing our pumpkin plants. We carved the pretty orange pumpkin with a witch and the homegrown green one was for you, carved with your initials GJP. We had a great Halloween this year, but I know it will be a lot more fun once you can enjoy the trick-or-treating and festivities for yourself!

Witch and her brew

Your pumpkin

You and your green pumpkin

I love you so much,

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