My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, November 3, 2011

They call it puppy love

Dear Gage,

You have become more and more fascinated with Emma dog in the recent weeks. You folleow her around, trying to grab her fur and pet her neck. She used to be able to get away from you with ease, but now that you've gotten faster, you give her a run for the money. She's particularly vulnerable when I'm cooking dinner. She hovers around my feet hoping I'll drop something. You've picked up on this and followed suit. Preparing dinner has become quite the challenge, with both of you close to my heels.

Tonight you helped Dada give Emma dog a bath. I tried to keep you away from the bath tub, but you kept crawling back to the bathroom. I think you were a little jealous that she was getting bath time and you weren't.  Or you were afraid she would play with your duckies!

I'm glad you both get along so well. I hope she continues to be patient with your rough love!

I love you,

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