My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jett

Dear Gage,

On November 7, your oldest cousin Jett turned 6 years old! I remember the night he was born like it was yesterday. Time seems to have really flown by, and I can't believe 6 years has passed since he joined the family. We celebrated his birthday at Granny Dowwoe's with a little party. His meal request: Cheeseburger Macaroni and macaroni and cheese. Dowwoe added a broccoli apple salad for a little color. We had a lot of fun at the party, and you got to see all your cousins. This was the first time we had all the children together in one place!

Family photo - Jude, Molly, Gage, Kaydence, and Jett. Notice how everyone is leaned away from you. It seems they all have the gift of foresight! This was before you scratched Molly's eye. Poor little Molly. 

Jett wearing his new helmet!

Mommy's first cake pop attempt. They were yummy!

I love you,

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