My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Visit with Aunt Marlene

Dear Gage and Gabe,

My Aunt Marlene, which would make her your Great Aunt, came to Bowling Green for a visit in December. She wasn't able to make it to your birthday party Gabe, due to inclement weather, so she came down the following weekend. She spent the night with Dows and then came out to visit us the following morning. She brought you your present and Gage, you were more excited to open it. Gabe, you got a zoo safari truck and several little race cars.

This was the first time Aunt Marlene had met you Gabe and you were a little skeptical of this new person. After a little while, and after opening your present, you were A OK with her! You boys loved playing with Aunt Marlene and it was great to visit with her!

Gabe, you look unhappy here, but I promise, you had a good time with your
Great Aunt Marlene

Stacking cups 

I love you,

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