My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

For Christmas Eve this year, we had a small get together with some of the family. Daddy made his Coca Cola ham and we had a variety of side dishes to round off the meal. After dinner and dessert, we opened presents. You boys each got a new pair of pajamas and a little toy. Daddy, Sissy and I got new PJ's too. Everyone was excited about their gifts and all you kids played with your new toys together.

Gage and Jett opening their presents

Helping Gabe open his present

Uncle Bill and Kymberlynn
While the kids were playing with their toys, Dows was playing with you, Gabe. She was coaxing you to walk to Daddy, and after a bit of encouragement, you took your first independent steps! You have been walking along the couch and with toys for quite sometime, but this was the first time you walked without assistance! We were so excited and proud of you. What a great Christmas present!!

Gabe takes his first steps!!

Gabe and KD
Once everyone left, we all changed into our new pajamas. I had a little photo shoot of you boys in front of the tree, but it was so hard to get a good pic of you two. Gabe, you were trying to get away and Gage, you didn't want to look at the camera. Getting your photos has become harder and harder the older you boys get.
Gage and Gabe in their Christmas Jammies

Mommy and her boys in our Christmas Jammies
Before bed, we read "A Visit From St. Nicholas" for fun, and then we read the story of the birth of Jesus. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and I am so grateful and thankful to have you boys in my life!

I love you,

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