My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bowling Green Christmas Parade 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

The Bowling Green Christmas Parade was originally scheduled for December 7, but due to the threat of inclement weather, it was postponed to the following weekend. This worked out in our favor because we celebrated your 1st birthday on the 7th, Gabe. This was our first year to see this parade, so we weren't sure what to expect. We met up with the Proffitts and parked about a block from the starting line of the parade. I saw a friend of mine in the parking lot, so Katie and her son Dylan joined us to find a spot to watch the parade.

There was quite a crowd at the start of the parade, so we moved about a block up College Street to where the crowd had thinned out.  The temperature was right at freezing, and we were bundled up from head to toe. It was a cold wait for the parade to start. There were vendors walking around selling toys, crafts and cotton candy prior to the start of the parade. I bought you all some cotton candy to share, and while it was tasty, it was a big mistake. Gage, your little face was covered in pink sticky residue, as were your fingers. I hadn't packed the diaper bag with us, but luckily I had a wipe in my pocket from where I had cleaned your faces before we got out of the car. Gabe, you wanted no part of the cotton candy and wouldn't even give it a try. Good boy :)

Giving the big raccoon a high five
By the time the cotton candy was devoured, it was time for the parade to start. Gage, you loved watching all the floats and cars go by. You were waving at everyone and wishing passersby "Merry Christmas!" You got really excited every time a band went by playing Christmas music. "Look, there's another one. They're playing music too!" There weren't too many floats throwing out candy, but a few people walked by and handed out candy canes. Gabe, you stayed bundled up under a blanket for most of the parade, so you didn't get to see much.

Waving at the floats

Gage and Dylan

Gabe all bundled up with Daddy
We watched as all the floats passed by and we were very excited to see Santa. He was on the last float and after being out in the cold for over an hour, we were ready to go. It was a nice parade and we all had a fun time.
There's Santa! 
I love you,

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