My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Goodies

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We really enjoy cooking and baking, so each year for Christmas we make loads of Christmas candy for our friends, family and coworkers. This year was no exception. We made the usual goodies: buckeyes, oreo balls, ritz sandwiches, oreo bark, peppermint bark, shortbread cookies, snow clusters and chocolate dipped pretzels. You boys are too small to help much, but you love to sample all the sweets. Gage, you like to bring your little step stool into the kitchen and watch us make whatever it is we are working on. I really love your enthusiasm and interest in what we're doing, and I can't wait until you're a little older when you can really start helping out in the kitchen.

I usually take photos of all the candies that we make, but I only managed to
get a shot of the chocolate dipped shortbread cookies. They're my favorite.
For our Christmas Eve celebration, we made sugar cookies and cake pops. Gage, you were able to help more with these and you enjoyed every minute of it. You helped me cut out the Christmas shaped sugar cookies. You also helped me decorate them with different colored sugar crystals and candies. We cheated and used a box kit for the cake pops. You watched as I mixed up the cake batter and then helped me lick the beaters. That's your favorite part! All the Christmas goodies turned out very well and they all tasted delicious! Thank you both for all your help!

Gage cutting out the sugar cookies. Gabe is supervising from a distance.

Gage, this is the stocking you insisted we bake

Beautiful sugar cookies
Licking the beaters

Pretty Christmas cake pops
I love you,

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