My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Emma!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Today we went down to Greenbriar, Tennessee to celebrate Emma's 3rd birthday. Daddy stayed in Bowling Green to watch Sissy perform in a band concert at WKU, so it was just you boys and me. The weather was beautiful, so we really enjoyed the drive down 65, singing and chatting along the way. We hadn't seen the Salyers in several months, so it was great to see them. Gage, you and Emma are like old friends and starting playing together immediately. Gabe, you're a shy little guy, so you stayed close to me.

Beautiful Birthday Girl

Silly boy
 After playing for a little while, it was time for cake and ice cream. We all sat around the table and sang "Happy Birthday!" to the birthday girl. She blew out her candles and then opened presents. Emma is such a sweet little girl and she was so excited about every present. She oohed and awed over each present and she really seemed to enjoy the doll we got her. The Rapunzel doll has long hair, so Emma was very anxious to brush her hair.

Emma loved her Rapunzel doll
After all the presents were opened, we went downstairs to hit the Pinata. Each kiddo took his or her turn and after knocking it down off the string for the second time, Amanda and Dustin just decided to open it and dump the goodies out on the floor. The kids scrambled to pick up candy and we got our fair share.

Pinata time!

Sweet kisses

Say "Cheese!"
We had such a great time celebrating Emma's 3rd birthday. We have really missed the Salyers since they moved to Tennessee, so it was great to visit and catch up with them.

I love you,

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