My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Christmas 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We celebrated Christmas at home this year. Once you sleepyheads finally got out of bed, we cooked and ate breakfast. After breakfast, it was time to open presents. Gage, you noticed the presents under the tree once you woke up, but you didn't really seem to care. I figured you would be ripping them open as soon as they were spotted, but you kept your cool. Good boy :)

Your Granny Clarice came over to watch you boys open presents. We separated them out and Gage, you went right to work.  Your "big" present this year was a camera. As much as you love to use my Canon, we just knew you'd love it. You thought it was pretty cool, but there were more presents to open, so you tossed the camera aside and went for the rest.

Gage's "big" present - a camera

Gage and his "Octonauts" 
Gabe, you weren't really sure what to do with the wrapped presents in front of you. Since you had just celebrated your first birthday, I thought you would have the hang of the unwrapping presents thing. Instead, you crawled off and started playing with your old toys. Gage, you were eager to help brother open his presents and before long, they were all unwrapped.

Gabe's "big" present - an activity cube
Chewing on the letter "Z" with your new book

Posing with "the cube"
You boys had a very nice Christmas. We tried to follow the "something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read" ideal. I think we ended up getting you both a couple "somethings you want," but we didn't overdo it.

I love you both so very much,

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