My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Christmas in Snake Run - 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We stayed home for Christmas this year, so we missed the Hall Christmas in Indiana. We decided to go visit Grandma and Grandpa the day after Christmas to celebrate the holiday. We made it in time for lunch and had our fill of lasagna, sweet potatoes, salad, fruit and lemon cookies. After eating, it was time to open presents. Grandma knew just what you liked Gage, and got you a Jake and the Neverland Pirates telescope. Gabe, you got some stackable stars. We went down to the basement and played. Gage, you suckered Grandma into pulling you around in the wagon, and Gabe you watched so intently. We played ball, wrote on the chalkboard and then played some more. We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa.

It's Gage and the Neverland Pirates

Cuddle time with Great-Grandpa

Stacking stars with Great-Grandma

Playing in the basement

Such a precious picture - generation one with generation four
After our visit with Grandma and Grandpa Hall, we went to St. Paul's Cemetery to visit Grandma and Grandpa Leister. You boys never had the chance to meet them, but I have such wonderful memories of my grandparents. Yardsaling, gravy making, lawnmowing and turkey frying memories flood my mind. I think about them from time to time and miss them terribly. I just know they would love you both so very much and I know you both would have had great times with them.

I love you both so much,

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rub-a-dub-dub, Three Boys in the Tub

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Uncle Jeffrey, Melissa and Jacob came to visit us after Christmas and they stayed with us for the weekend. It was so great to have a little playmate in the house, and you boys couldn't have been happier. For bath night, we decided to put you all in the tub together. You boys had a blast - rub-a-dub-dub, three baby boys in the tub :)

I love you,

Christmas 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We celebrated Christmas at home this year. Once you sleepyheads finally got out of bed, we cooked and ate breakfast. After breakfast, it was time to open presents. Gage, you noticed the presents under the tree once you woke up, but you didn't really seem to care. I figured you would be ripping them open as soon as they were spotted, but you kept your cool. Good boy :)

Your Granny Clarice came over to watch you boys open presents. We separated them out and Gage, you went right to work.  Your "big" present this year was a camera. As much as you love to use my Canon, we just knew you'd love it. You thought it was pretty cool, but there were more presents to open, so you tossed the camera aside and went for the rest.

Gage's "big" present - a camera

Gage and his "Octonauts" 
Gabe, you weren't really sure what to do with the wrapped presents in front of you. Since you had just celebrated your first birthday, I thought you would have the hang of the unwrapping presents thing. Instead, you crawled off and started playing with your old toys. Gage, you were eager to help brother open his presents and before long, they were all unwrapped.

Gabe's "big" present - an activity cube
Chewing on the letter "Z" with your new book

Posing with "the cube"
You boys had a very nice Christmas. We tried to follow the "something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read" ideal. I think we ended up getting you both a couple "somethings you want," but we didn't overdo it.

I love you both so very much,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Christmas Eve 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

For Christmas Eve this year, we had a small get together with some of the family. Daddy made his Coca Cola ham and we had a variety of side dishes to round off the meal. After dinner and dessert, we opened presents. You boys each got a new pair of pajamas and a little toy. Daddy, Sissy and I got new PJ's too. Everyone was excited about their gifts and all you kids played with your new toys together.

Gage and Jett opening their presents

Helping Gabe open his present

Uncle Bill and Kymberlynn
While the kids were playing with their toys, Dows was playing with you, Gabe. She was coaxing you to walk to Daddy, and after a bit of encouragement, you took your first independent steps! You have been walking along the couch and with toys for quite sometime, but this was the first time you walked without assistance! We were so excited and proud of you. What a great Christmas present!!

Gabe takes his first steps!!

Gabe and KD
Once everyone left, we all changed into our new pajamas. I had a little photo shoot of you boys in front of the tree, but it was so hard to get a good pic of you two. Gabe, you were trying to get away and Gage, you didn't want to look at the camera. Getting your photos has become harder and harder the older you boys get.
Gage and Gabe in their Christmas Jammies

Mommy and her boys in our Christmas Jammies
Before bed, we read "A Visit From St. Nicholas" for fun, and then we read the story of the birth of Jesus. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and I am so grateful and thankful to have you boys in my life!

I love you,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy 3rd Birthday, Emma!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Today we went down to Greenbriar, Tennessee to celebrate Emma's 3rd birthday. Daddy stayed in Bowling Green to watch Sissy perform in a band concert at WKU, so it was just you boys and me. The weather was beautiful, so we really enjoyed the drive down 65, singing and chatting along the way. We hadn't seen the Salyers in several months, so it was great to see them. Gage, you and Emma are like old friends and starting playing together immediately. Gabe, you're a shy little guy, so you stayed close to me.

Beautiful Birthday Girl

Silly boy
 After playing for a little while, it was time for cake and ice cream. We all sat around the table and sang "Happy Birthday!" to the birthday girl. She blew out her candles and then opened presents. Emma is such a sweet little girl and she was so excited about every present. She oohed and awed over each present and she really seemed to enjoy the doll we got her. The Rapunzel doll has long hair, so Emma was very anxious to brush her hair.

Emma loved her Rapunzel doll
After all the presents were opened, we went downstairs to hit the Pinata. Each kiddo took his or her turn and after knocking it down off the string for the second time, Amanda and Dustin just decided to open it and dump the goodies out on the floor. The kids scrambled to pick up candy and we got our fair share.

Pinata time!

Sweet kisses

Say "Cheese!"
We had such a great time celebrating Emma's 3rd birthday. We have really missed the Salyers since they moved to Tennessee, so it was great to visit and catch up with them.

I love you,

Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Goodies

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We really enjoy cooking and baking, so each year for Christmas we make loads of Christmas candy for our friends, family and coworkers. This year was no exception. We made the usual goodies: buckeyes, oreo balls, ritz sandwiches, oreo bark, peppermint bark, shortbread cookies, snow clusters and chocolate dipped pretzels. You boys are too small to help much, but you love to sample all the sweets. Gage, you like to bring your little step stool into the kitchen and watch us make whatever it is we are working on. I really love your enthusiasm and interest in what we're doing, and I can't wait until you're a little older when you can really start helping out in the kitchen.

I usually take photos of all the candies that we make, but I only managed to
get a shot of the chocolate dipped shortbread cookies. They're my favorite.
For our Christmas Eve celebration, we made sugar cookies and cake pops. Gage, you were able to help more with these and you enjoyed every minute of it. You helped me cut out the Christmas shaped sugar cookies. You also helped me decorate them with different colored sugar crystals and candies. We cheated and used a box kit for the cake pops. You watched as I mixed up the cake batter and then helped me lick the beaters. That's your favorite part! All the Christmas goodies turned out very well and they all tasted delicious! Thank you both for all your help!

Gage cutting out the sugar cookies. Gabe is supervising from a distance.

Gage, this is the stocking you insisted we bake

Beautiful sugar cookies
Licking the beaters

Pretty Christmas cake pops
I love you,

Bowling Green Christmas Parade 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

The Bowling Green Christmas Parade was originally scheduled for December 7, but due to the threat of inclement weather, it was postponed to the following weekend. This worked out in our favor because we celebrated your 1st birthday on the 7th, Gabe. This was our first year to see this parade, so we weren't sure what to expect. We met up with the Proffitts and parked about a block from the starting line of the parade. I saw a friend of mine in the parking lot, so Katie and her son Dylan joined us to find a spot to watch the parade.

There was quite a crowd at the start of the parade, so we moved about a block up College Street to where the crowd had thinned out.  The temperature was right at freezing, and we were bundled up from head to toe. It was a cold wait for the parade to start. There were vendors walking around selling toys, crafts and cotton candy prior to the start of the parade. I bought you all some cotton candy to share, and while it was tasty, it was a big mistake. Gage, your little face was covered in pink sticky residue, as were your fingers. I hadn't packed the diaper bag with us, but luckily I had a wipe in my pocket from where I had cleaned your faces before we got out of the car. Gabe, you wanted no part of the cotton candy and wouldn't even give it a try. Good boy :)

Giving the big raccoon a high five
By the time the cotton candy was devoured, it was time for the parade to start. Gage, you loved watching all the floats and cars go by. You were waving at everyone and wishing passersby "Merry Christmas!" You got really excited every time a band went by playing Christmas music. "Look, there's another one. They're playing music too!" There weren't too many floats throwing out candy, but a few people walked by and handed out candy canes. Gabe, you stayed bundled up under a blanket for most of the parade, so you didn't get to see much.

Waving at the floats

Gage and Dylan

Gabe all bundled up with Daddy
We watched as all the floats passed by and we were very excited to see Santa. He was on the last float and after being out in the cold for over an hour, we were ready to go. It was a nice parade and we all had a fun time.
There's Santa! 
I love you,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Visit with Aunt Marlene

Dear Gage and Gabe,

My Aunt Marlene, which would make her your Great Aunt, came to Bowling Green for a visit in December. She wasn't able to make it to your birthday party Gabe, due to inclement weather, so she came down the following weekend. She spent the night with Dows and then came out to visit us the following morning. She brought you your present and Gage, you were more excited to open it. Gabe, you got a zoo safari truck and several little race cars.

This was the first time Aunt Marlene had met you Gabe and you were a little skeptical of this new person. After a little while, and after opening your present, you were A OK with her! You boys loved playing with Aunt Marlene and it was great to visit with her!

Gabe, you look unhappy here, but I promise, you had a good time with your
Great Aunt Marlene

Stacking cups 

I love you,

Happy 16th Birthday, Sissy!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Sissy turned "Sweet 16" on December 3rd and we had a little dinner for her that following weekend. She invited five of her friends over for a late lunch. We made her favorite meal: Cajun Shrimp and Sausage Orzo Pasta. We had green beans, salad and rolls along with the pasta and cake pops and ice cream for dessert. After we ate, we watched Sissy open her presents. We wrapped up a "gag" gift of plastic bracelets and had her open those first. The look on her face when she opened them was priceless! Of course, we gave her her real present after that: a pair of diamond earrings. She seemed to like those a tad better than the plastic bracelets!

Blowing out her candle!

"gag" gift

After completing the standard birthday party agenda, everyone took turns playing Mario Kart on the Wii. Gage, you thought this was the best part! You loved watching all the kids race the cars and motorcycles. We had a great time celebrating Sissy's Sweet 16!

I love you all,